2nd – 6th Rockstars Mahaney December 9 – 13 Killebrew Rogers

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1 2nd – 6th Rockstars Mahaney December 9 – 13 Killebrew Rogers
2nd Grade Literacy  I can develop oral vocabulary. I can describe the connection between cause and effect in a text. I can describe the structure of a story. I can describe the characteristic of a drama and a fairy tale. 3rd Grade Literacy  I can use information from the story to draw conclusions.  I can identify important ideas to aid in comprehension  I can use word analysis to decode contractions.2nd 2nd Grade Science  I can describe how heat moves. I can explain how heat changes matter. I can explain how heat changes air. 3rd Grade Science I can state what can be learned from dinosaur fossils. I can summarize various theories of how dinosaurs became extinct I can explain why some species became extinct. I can infer how changes in an environment cause an organism to adapt. I can explain what it means to be endangered. 2nd Grade Math - My 2nd graders will be learning different multiplication and division strategies.  They will also be solving real-world problems using multiplication and division.  Thank you for working with your child on memorizing multiplication facts through 5. 3rd Grade Math - My 3rd graders will be multiplying two and three digit numbers with and without regrouping. Please continue to work on memorizing all multiplication facts.  :)  2nd Grade Social Studies - The 2nd grade class will be studying about the Civil War and the events that led up to this war. 3rd Grade Social Studies - My 3rd graders will finish their study of the colonization of early America. 4th Grade Social Studies - My two 4th grade classes will be studying about the causes of the American Revolution and about Kentucky families on the frontier before, during, and after the American Revolution. December 9 – 13 Weekly Reminders Thursday, December 19th – School-Wide Christmas Program December 23rd – January 3rd: Christmas Break Rogers 4th Grade Literacy – In Literacy class students will continue to learn comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week students will be able to determine a cause and an effect from a story/passage. Students will also work with weekly vocabulary words, as well as, grade level sight words and phonics skills.  5th Grade Literacy - In Literacy class students will build upon their prior knowledge of comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week students will be able to identify the main idea and the supporting details of a story. Students will also work with weekly vocabulary words, as well as, grade level sight words and phonics skills. .

2 Sydney Ballard, Jackson Upton and Lydia Costello
Which is the best deal? Sweet Potatoes 5 lb for $4.50 or 4 lb for $3.44 me the correct answer and explain how you solved the question. The first correct answer will earn 10 extra credit points. All other correct answers will earn 5 extra credit points.  Linder Wells 5th Grade Social Studies I can compare Loyalists and Patriots. I can explain key arguments made by Loyalists against independence. 6th Grade World Geography I can use Wiki and Wordle to showcase my country research project. 5th Grade Math I can divide a fraction by a whole number. I can solve real world problems by multiplying and dividing fractions. . Crowder Math - We are reviewing multiplication and division early this week and will assess on Tuesday. Wednesday we will begin fractions.  Please continue to practice multiplication facts at home. Science - We are reviewing weather and will assess Tuesday or Wednesday.  We will study changes in our Earth next. Bowen Science classes - Our fifth grade Conservation Poster winners are: Sydney Ballard, Jackson Upton and Lydia Costello After then competing with 3-5th Sydney Ballard has made the top three to go ahead and compete in the county level.  I am proud of all our Conservation Poster winners! Science fair projects for 5th and 6th grade have had the deadline extended a week due to my being out sick.  I want to continue to work with students in class to assist them with this process and so the date is now Dec. 9th. Rice 5th Writer's Workshop Continuing our work with Language Arts and what we need to do to improve our writing. Christmas is just around the corner.  6th Writer's Workshop Our second week of Greek/Latin words will end with our very own "Invention Convention". Please ask your child what this involves.  Daily 5 Graphic Sources continue in our last week of Greek/Latin studies. We are gearing up for our big semester test coming next Thursday.  Also, each student must complete their required book reading before we get out for Christmas Break. Please check with your child to make sure he/she is reading their paperback books. Rock On!

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