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Miss Lewis (Teacher), Miss Offer and Miss Dudley

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Lewis (Teacher), Miss Offer and Miss Dudley"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Lewis (Teacher), Miss Offer and Miss Dudley
Welcome to Year Four Miss Lewis (Teacher), Miss Offer and Miss Dudley

2 General Routines Register Run a mile 900-910
Collective Worship is held everyday at 9:15 Maths and English every day. Topic and Foundation subjects every afternoon Wednesday and Thursday afternoon the children have PE- remembering correct uniform Wednesday – striking and fielding Thursday – athletics

3 Start and end of the day Children can enter the classroom from 8:45 onwards. Independence The children will always have a start of the day activity. Children who need accompanying will be taken to the playground.

4 Homework Maths homework will be set on a Friday- due the following Friday. Arithmetic tests. Spellings will be tested every Monday. These are taken from the New National Curriculum and must be learnt. 99 Club tested every Friday. Children will write in their scores in and will fill in table at front when they have completed the club Topic homework letter sent home - Topic homework sharing date:26th June 2:45 pm

5 Reading 3 x a week Please record, or encourage your child to record, when they have read at home. There will be a prize for those children who continuously read 3 times a week (we monitor this by comments made in homework diary). The homework diary is also a point of contact

6 Progress A range of assessment strategies
Continuous ongoing assessment If child is not on track to meet age related expectations then I will contact you. CAT tests Parents evening

7 Topic – what lies beneath

8 Maths This term we will be focusing on; The four operations
Measurement Geometry Statistics

9 Counting in multiples Times tables Addition and subtraction

10 Money – decimals Time – looking at clock Measuring – weighing


12 English We will be focussing on Story writing Recounts Diary


14 Science Digestion Living things Butterflies Eels

15 Daily Mile It is really beneficial, resulting in better concentration and behaviour throughout the day, as well as the children feeling healthier and better about themselves! Every day – 900 – 910 am on field

16 Dates for your Diary Explorer dome – 6th June Homework sharing – 26th June Eel Release – 9th July

17 Open Door Policy If you wish to contact me I am always available at the beginning and end of the day in the classroom. Available for phone calls before and after the school day. If you want an update

18 Thank you Thank you for all your support so far this year!
Thank you for curriculum letters – it is thought about when I am planning

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