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The Earthly Ministry of Christ

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1 The Earthly Ministry of Christ
Christology The Earthly Ministry of Christ

2 He Revealed the Essence of the Father
Unseen by man but declared by Christ – John 1:18; 14:8-11 The essence of God is seen in the person of Christ – Matt. 11;25-27; Col. 2:9; John 1;14

3 He Communicated the Word of God
He spoke the Father’s words – John 3:34; 14:10; 17:8 He spoke powerful words – John 6:63 His sermons Sermon on the Mount – Matt. 5-7 Olivet Discourse – Matt. 24,25 Upper Room Discourse – John 13-17 His methods were direct, confrontational; and always aimed at the heart. He utilized the parable as no one before or since

4 He Corrected Misunderstanding of the Old Testament
Born under the law (Gal. 4:4), obeyed the law (Heb. 4:15), fulfilled the law (Rom. 10:4) and did not come to destroy the law (Matt. 5:17) Jesus confronted those who abused the Old Testament and corrected their interpretations and emphases (Matt. 5:17-20)

5 He Demonstrated the Power of God
Healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, straightened twisted limbs, gave sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. Raised the Dead Jairus’ Daughter Son of the Widow of Nain Lazarus His miracles always had the purpose of producing faith – Luke 11:14-20; Matt. 13;53-58; John 14:11

6 He Introduced the Kingdom of God
His right to rule – Eze. 21:27 More than a restoration of Israel The sovereign rule of God in the human heart – Luke 17:20,21 The kingdom is found in the person of the King – Mark 9:1

7 He Modeled the Character of Godliness
Maintaining God-given authorities – Luke 2:40-52; Perfect example in character and behavior – 1 Pet. 2:21 Discipline of discipleship Suffering with grace

8 He Exhibited the Love of God
Compassionate With the Multitudes – Matt. 9:36; 14:14; 15:32 For the Suffering – Matt. 20:34; Mark 1:41; 5:19; Luke 7:13 Spoke of Compassion in His Parables Loved His own – John 13:1; 15:9-13 Sacrificed Himself for men – Mark 10:45

9 He Established the Church
Made provision for the church – Matt. 16:13-18 Established the church as the court of last resort – Matt. 18:17

10 He Annunciated His Divine Authority
Taught with authority – Matt. 7:28,29 Exercised authority over the spirit world – Mark 1:23-28 Delegated His authority – Luke 9:1,2 Cleansed the Temple Declared His Authority – Matt. 28:18

11 He Explained and Exampled Prayer
Prayed Himself – Luke 6:112 Emphasized the necessity of prayer – Luke 18:1 Taught His disciples to pray – Luke 11:1-4 Prayed for individuals (Luke 22:32) and the Church corporately (John 17)

12 He Pursued the Souls of Men
People were the focus of Christ’s Ministry – Luke 5:27-32 People must be saved - Luke 19:10 Prepared His disciples to reach people – Mark 16;14,15

13 He Prophesied the Consummation of the Plan of God
Christ’s death was not the end; it was the beginning. The Church is His present instrument – Acts 15:14 Jesus is coming again – John 14:1-3 Matt. 24,25 describes the culmination of God’s dealings with Israel and of the judgement to follow

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