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3 3.Magnetic force: Is the force produced by a magnet.
Magnetic force acts at a distance and cannot be seen. magnetic: having the property of attracting iron objects . Magnets have poles (north and south). The pulling force of the magnet is strongest at the poles. If a bar magnet can move freely, its north seeking pole always points North, and its south seeking pole always points South.

4 Unlike poles (N-S) attract or pull towards each other.
Like poles (N-N or S-S) repel or push away from each other. The closer the objects, the greater the magnetic force.

5 Iron, nickel, and a few other metals are attracted to magnets
Iron, nickel, and a few other metals are attracted to magnets. Not all metals will be magnetic. A magnet produces a magnetic field around itself and affects certain objects. Magnetic force can act without touching objects. For hundreds of years people used magnets to find direction The needle of a compass is a magnet. It moves because of Earth's magnetism. ( Earth is a giant magnet).

6 Where is the force of magnetism the greatest in this picture and how do you know?

7 strongest force of attraction

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