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2 Analysis → •As Lola and Manni are trapped by the police, the camera circles around them emphasising the chaotic feeling they are be experiencing •Lola getting shot in the chest emphasis the end of the game •Sound technique - use of the gunshot = impact •The use of slow motion after Lola has been shot •Close up of Lola lying on the floor → scene sets the audience up to feel very passionate and moved at the scene where lola appears to be dying •Lola had run out of time, when Lola was shot the bag of money hit the ground before she did

3 THEME OF LOVE → •Extreme close up on Manni and Lola’s faces in the red sequence •Red room scene - this shot with a red film over the top so everything in this scene appears to be red → Overview shot of Manni and Lola having an intimate moment discussing their relationship → Close up shots of the characters emphasising the intimacy they are feeling and the intimate nature of their conversation → The red lighting reflects passion, love and intimacy of the scene (visual technique) → Naked embrace in bed discussing how they feel if they lost each other - effect is that the audience feel empathy towards Manni and Lola

4 →Shows the passion between Lola and Manni
→ Because of love the audience understands why Lola would run the way she does to get to Manni and try and help him → The passion and intimacy within this sequence explains the drama and the desperation of the

5 •Flashback scenes edited in showing the telephone receiver flying through the air in much the same manner as the bag •Close up shots of both bag and receiver very quickly edited together and showing lola’s face as she lays on the ground •This scenes emphasises the role of chance as the phone receiver and the bag of money seem to reflect the unpredictable nature •After the red scene the camera zooms out until we get an close up overview of Lola wanting to ‘restart the game’

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