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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING YOUR GRADE TWELVE YEAR"— Presentation transcript:

Archbishop Denis O’Connor C.H.S. January 2018

2 Before We Begin… Summer School information and registration will be available in April or May. Remedial Courses: courses for students unsuccessful in a semester course with a mark of greater than 35%. Remedial courses are 2 weeks long. Acceleration Courses: courses for students who have not previously taken a particular course or who did not earn a 35% in the course during the school year. Acceleration courses are 4 weeks long. If you would like help selecting courses make an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor as soon as possible. Some acceleration courses fill quickly – be prepared to register when information becomes available. If you were unsuccessful in a course in semester one and plan to go to summer school, you may need to see a Guidance Counsellor to add the grade 12 course for your timetable next year! Do so as soon as possible!

3 Our 2018– 2019 On-Line Course Calendar!
A course calendar provides you with information about the school, graduation requirements, general information, courses available to students. Important planning charts (Department Flow Charts) are included as well as web sites to assist with your academic planning. To access, go to; select the STUDENTS link and click GUIDANCE Click on the Course Levels and Calendar tab on the left; select DO’C COURSE CALENDAR

4 Selecting Courses for Grade 12
Two compulsory courses: English, Religion Check with your Guidance Counsellor if you need to complete any other compulsory credits. You must select a minimum of 6 courses (3 per semester). You must have 24 credits to have 2 spares. E-Learning courses count as one of the 6! Two Alternate credits (used if one of your optional courses is not available or a course is cancelled) If you plan to apply to university you must earn six credits in grade 12 at the U or M level REMEMBER: Select course levels that reflect the pathway you are considering. Consider all pathways as you plan your post-secondary years: apprenticeship, work, college, university.

5 NEW COURSES FOR 2018-19: The World of Fashion
HNB4M1 This course gives students the opportunity to explore the world of fashion. Students will learn how to create a fashion product using various tools, techniques and technologies while developing their practical skills. Students will learn about various factors that affect the global fashion industry, the needs of specialized markets, and the impact of fibre and fabric production and care. In addition, they will learn about social and historical influences on fashion. Students will apply research skills when investigating aspects of the fashion world.

6 NEW COURSES FOR 2018-19: Custom Woodworking
TWJ4E1 This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to the planning, design, and construction of residential and/or commercial cabinets and furniture. Students will gain further experience in the safe use of common woodworking materials, tools, equipment, finishes, and hardware, and will learn about the entrepreneurial skills needed to establish and operate a custom woodworking business. Students will also expand their awareness of health and safety issues and environmental and societal issues related to woodworking, and will explore career opportunities that may be pursued directly after graduation.

7 NEW COURSES FOR 2018-19: Nail Technology
TXJ4E1 This course will allow students to gain hands-on experience using professional materials, equipment and current manicure and pedicure techniques. They will focus on the anatomy and physiology of the hands and feet as well as nail diseases, current nail art trends and designs, health and safety and the business skills required to succeed in this growing industry. Students will use professional terminology, acquire transferable problem-solving skills and learn about the essential work habits that are important for success in a spa, salon or home business. Potentially will be a dual credit course.

8 Continuing for 2018-19: Drama Music Theatre ADB4M1
This course extends students’ well-developed capacity for musical theatre performance. Students are challenged to analyze, interpret, and perform musical theatre from various cultural and historical periods, especially shows which focus on a diverse range of sources. Workshops encourage students to explore the tension between character archetypes and modern influences, refine vocal skills and approaches to movement on- stage, and to reflect on and analyze their own practice. In the grade twelve course, students attend to musical theatre as a unique genre of performance, as a mode of expression, and as and a vehicle for social chance. They are led to consider how musical theatre criticism both advances their understanding of themselves and the world around us, which might inspire novel risks in dramatic, vocal/ musical, and movement styles and practice. Students will explore modern production values, including the integration of technology as a mode of expression on stage. As such, students will have the unique opportunity to explore technical elements of musical production, and the array of vibrant and exciting careers which support the performing arts.


10 Web Sites to Assist You College/University/Career
Ontario College Application Service Ontario University Application Centre Electronic Info (Univ. Admission Info) NOC Classification System (look for Quick Search at bottom of left side) Self-assessment Ontario Student Counsellors Assoc. Career Cruising Human Metrics Mazemaster Next Steps (funded by HRDC) (Select Student Resources, Self-Assessment) (User ID: guidance, Password: blue) Apprenticeships Tradeability Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Government of Ontario Apprentice Search Job Connect Durham

11 E-Learning Courses are offered by the Durham Catholic D.S.B.
Courses count as any other day school course and considered equally by colleges and universities. An E-Learning course takes the place of a day school course (i.e. a student would have a spare during their day) Students cannot register for 4 courses and an E-Learning course in one semester. E-learning courses are listed with all other courses in Career Cruising Consider your learning style!

12 Pathways in Math

13 Almost all colleges consider university and college courses equally
Almost all colleges consider university and college courses equally. If you are planning to attend college, college level courses are a more appropriate choice. One English course must be a ‘Core’ English (ENG4U1, ENG4C1). Other English courses (EWC4U1, and EMS3O1) are considered optional credits Little Details…

14 Cooperative Education: Experiencing the World of Work
Select COP2O if you are applying for a 2 credit Coop program. Then choose additional courses for a total of between 6 and 8. Select COP4O if you are applying for a 4 credit Coop program. Then choose additional courses for a total of between 6 and 8 Coop credits count the same way other courses do. Coop credits can count for up to 2 compulsory credits (see Course Checklist sheet) You MUST hand in the Coop application form with your course selection sheet (it is available online!) Interviews for the Coop program after the March break

15 Specialist High Skills Major
A Ministry of Education Student Success initiative The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a combination of 9 or more courses and experiences that relate to a subject area of special interest or to a particular destination Students in grade 11 and 12 combine credit courses, reach ahead activities, sector specific certifications and Cooperative Education DO’C is offering a SHSM in Health and Wellness and Non-Profit POTENITALLY NEW: Tech SHSM for 2018! Hand in SHSM application form with your course selection sheet.

16 The On-Line Course Selection Process
To access Career Cruising, go to the DO’C web site (; select STUDENTS and then select the GUIDANCE link. Select Course Levels and Calendars There will be two links to Career Cruising Career Cruising Log in Career Cruising Main Site (available to all) Username and Password posted with the link. Select Log In and log in with your individual username and password. Refer to the Course Selection brochure for assistance Username: DCD-(Student Number) Your student number is on your ID card Password: Date of Birth (mmddyyyy) or the password you selected when you first logged in. If you have not changed your password, you will be asked to do so.

17 Things to Remember Choose courses wisely as discretionary changes are not made Review your level choices after receiving your mid-term report card Full Disclosure Students who drop a course five days after receiving the mid-term report card receive a ‘withdrawal’ mark that is entered on the transcript Students in grade 12 must have a minimum of three courses in a semester. Students are eligible for spares once they reach 24 credits Read course descriptions carefully. Speak to teachers to learn more about a course. Option Sheet will not be collected without the Student Activity Fee

18 Handing In Your Course Selection Documents
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2018 Students will be called to library in alphabetical order Hand in: Course Request Sign Off Sheet (with parent signature) Student Activity Fee ($75). Two ways to Pay: Online payment; submit receipt Cheques can be post-dated to May 1, 2018. Coop application form (if applicable) SHSM application form (if applicable) Course selection sheet will then be handed to a Guidance Counsellor.

19 REMIND TEXT: @docclass19 to:289-204-2198
Stay connected with Guidance by signing up for REMIND, a free, safe and simple messaging tool 3 ways to use REMIND; , text or APP to: It will be the primary mode of communication with the Guidance Department for your years at DO’C You will receive important date reminders, presentations, scholarships, community service opportunities, graduation, etc


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