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What Graduate Students Need: In their own Words

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Presentation on theme: "What Graduate Students Need: In their own Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Graduate Students Need: In their own Words

2 Graduate Panelists A panel session with graduate students talking about the how the technology ecosystem on campus supports or hinders their work. These recruited graduate students on panel represent unique perspectives from different colleges across the University. College of Business College of Education College of Engineering

3 Panel Introductions Ground Rules Poll of the Audience
Facilitator, name and role Students, name, area of study and or research interest

4 Directed Questions How do you depend on technology in your experience at Illinois? How does it support your specific area of study and or research interest?

5 Directed Questions What works well for you?
What hasn’t worked so well for you?

6 Directed Questions What is missing?  (What do you need or expect that doesn’t exist?) What is the one thing that would make the most significant difference in your experience?

7 Questions from the Audience

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