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Presentation on theme: "Distillation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distillation

2 Today you will learn About distillation Distillation apparatus
Useful terminology referring to separation methods 2

3 „Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey. “ E
„Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey.“ E.Hemingway What do you know about the production of whisky? What is whisky? How is it made? Can you make it at home? What separation techniques do you know? 3

4 Label the pictures with the parts of a distillation apparatus.
Thermometer Tripod stand Condenser Erlenmeyer flask Boiling point Distillation flask 4

5 Distillation is a process that can be used to separate a pure liquid from a mixture of liquids. It works when the liquids have different boiling points. Distillation is commonly used to separate ethanol - the alcohol in alcoholic drinks - from water. Another use is crude oil processing.

6 Distillation process to separate ethanol from water
Step 1 - water and ethanol solution are heated 5

7 Step 2 - the ethanol evaporates first, cools, then condenses

8 Step 3 - the water left evaporates, cools, then condenses

9 Put the events in the correct order
condensing cooling evaporating heating

10 Fill in the gaps with the correct words
The mixture is in a flask. Ethanol has a lower than water so it evaporates first. The ethanol is then cooled and condensed inside the to form a pure liquid. The shows the boiling point of the pure ethanol When all the ethanol has evaporated from the solution, the temperature rises and the water boiling point evaporates heated liquid vapour condenser thermometer

11 Video links

12 Task Distillation is one of the most common separation methods.
Choose one from this list of separation techniques and describe it in detail. or 2) Compare the following methods, their equipment, uses, properties of mixtures,... Separating funnel Magnetism Paper Chromatography Filtration 6

13 Useful links:

14 You may need the following terminology
Funnel Mixture Filtrate Residue Filter paper Solvent Absorb Iron filings Attract Surface (Im)miscible liquids Beaker Density Settle Dissolve Magnetic properties 8

15 Useful language This method is best for ... This is called ...
For example, ... It works like this Turn into It causes x to turn into y The process continues until Similar to... It is best for To be applied to ... Unlike One ot the drawbacks is ... This has the (dis) advantage of ... This has the effect of ... If we ..., then it will ... In order to do this, we need to ... Firstly, secondly, thirdly, Then, after that, finally ... 9

16 How will your work be assesed?
Clarity Resourcefulness Originality Effective use of language 10


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