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Human Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Rights

2 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Freedom of Speech Freedom of Conscience Freedom of Religion Freedom of Dissent

3 Genocide The intention to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group; causing social conditions which would destroy a group; or actually killing members of a group.

4 Genocide

5 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations 1948 48 Countries voted for it, none against, 8 abstentions Soviet Union, Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR, People’s Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, People’s Republic of Poland, Union of South Africa, Czechoslovakia, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

6 Basic Civil and Political Rights
Liberty Security of person Prohibition of slavery and torture Freedom from arbitrary arrest Free trial Freedoms of speech, religion and assembly

7 Basic Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Opportunity to develop one’s personality and talents Social Security Protection against unemployment Equal pay for equal work Existence worthy of Human dignity Rest and Leisure

8 Helsinki Accords August 1, 1975
Each East European country promised to protect minority rights, allow religious worship, and grant political and economic freedom for all of their citizens. Freedom of movement of people and information

9 Helsinki Accords

10 Amnesty International
Looks after those who have been persecuted, imprisoned and tortured solely because of their race, religion, or ideas. Gain the freedom of people who have been arbitrarily imprisoned and seek humane treatment fro all prisoners and detainees.

11 Amnesty International

12 Education is a Human Right

13 Employment is a Human Right

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