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Take out your Unit 4 Overviews!

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1 Take out your Unit 4 Overviews!
The 1920’s Take out your Unit 4 Overviews!

2 Knights Charge 3/18 President Calvin Coolidge once said…
“The chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing, and prospering in the world… We make no concealment of the fact that we want wealth, but there are many other things that we want very much more. We want peace and honor, and that charity which is so strong an element of all civilization. The chief ideal of the American people is idealism.” What kind of economy do you think Coolidge supports? Why do you think he talks about peace and honor?

3 Model T When? Who Made it? How was it made? How did it impact Americans? 1908 Henry Ford Assembly line with interchangeable parts Made the automobile more affordable for more Americans More Americans could own a car

4 Henry Ford


6 Teapot Dome Scandal 1921 Warren G. Harding
When? Who was President? What Happened? How did it impact his Presidency? 1921 Warren G. Harding US Government was illegally selling oil to American businesses Displayed the corruption of the Harding Presidency


8 Kellogg-Briand Pact US France England Germany 1928
When? What countries were involved? What was it? Was it effective? 1928 US France England Germany It was a pact to outlaw war No! Did not prevent future war



11 Dawes Plan 1924 US England France Germany
When? What countries did it involve? What did it propose to do? How did it impact the US? 1924 US England France Germany It outlined a plan for the US to help Germany to war reparations to England and France It was not successful Made the US look insensitive toward Europe because we were demanding repayment of debt


13 Scopes Trial 1924 Clarence Darrow (Pro-evolution)
When? Who were the two lawyers involved in the case? What was the case about? What two ideas clashed in this court case? 1924 Clarence Darrow (Pro-evolution) William Jennings Bryan (Anti-Evolution) The teaching of evolution in school versus teaching creationism Traditionalism vs. Modernism





18 Prohibition 1920-1933 Outlawed the sale and distribution of alcohol
When? What gangster gained fame as a result of this law? What did this Amendment outlaw? How did this Amendment impact the US? Al Capone Outlawed the sale and distribution of alcohol Bootlegging- illegal distribution of booze Speakeasies- underground, secret bars and clubs that would sell alcohol






24 Al Capone once said… “I make my money from supplying a public demand. If I break the law, my customers, who number hundreds of the best people in Chicago, are as guilty as I am. The only difference between us is that I sell and they buy. Everybody calls me a racketeer. I call myself a business man.”


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