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United States History Chapter 13 Postwar Social Change (1920-1929)

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1 United States History Chapter 13 Postwar Social Change (1920-1929)

2 Section 2 Mass Media and the Jazz Age

3 Explain the Jazz Age.  Term used to describe the 1920s; characterized especially by the new music of the time, jazz  Jazz grew out of the African American music of the South, especially ragtime and blues

4 What was the Harlem Renaissance?  African American literary awakening of the 1920s, centered in Harlem  This movement can be characterized by works that chronicled the hardships of being African American; in addition, these works also expressed the desire of no longer being treated like second-class citizens


6 Section 3 Cultural Conflicts

7 What were the goals of prohibition?  Eliminate drunkenness and the resulting abuse of family members and others  Get rid of saloons, where prostitution, gambling, and other forms of vice thrived  Prevent absenteeism and on-the-job accidents

8 What was bootlegging?  Term used to describe a supplier of illegal alcohol during Prohibition  Types: Operated stills where they produced alcohol Smuggled alcohol from Canada or by ship from the Carribean Abuses in medicines, communal wine, etc.

9 What were speakeasies?  Bars that operated illegally during the time of Prohibition  These bars did not openly operate, one would have to show a pass or be recognized in order to enter the establishment

10 What led to the establishment of organized crime?  Organized crime would grow out of the complexity of the bootlegging industry  Organized crime also made money through gambling, prostitution, racketeering, and other illegal activities  Most notorious: Al Capone

11 What was fundamentalism?  Set of religious beliefs including traditional Christian ideas about Jesus Christ, the belief that the Bible was inspired by God and does not contain contradictions or errors, and is literally true  Fundamentalism was the result of science and technology, war and societal problems and their relationship with God, and that the Bible was written by humans and contained contradictions and inaccuracies

12 Explain the Scopes Trial.  1925 court case argued by Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan in which the issue of teaching evolution in public schools was debated  Even though Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 the country would still struggle with country’s changing modern beliefs and its traditional values

13 What led to the rebirth of the KKK in the 1920s?  KKK membership would explode during the 1920s when the Klan shifted focus of defending white-Protestants from any group that seemed to them to be un- American  The KKK now battled more than just African Americans, the Klan now targeted immigrants


15 What was the chief goal of the NAACP in the 1920s?  NAACP worked hard during the 1920s to pass federal anti-lynching laws; these laws would be a success, especially in the South  NAACP also worked hard to preserve voting rights for African Americans, little success was achieved in this goal

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