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The Nordic Forum for Geo-Statistics

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Presentation on theme: "The Nordic Forum for Geo-Statistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nordic Forum for Geo-Statistics
The next step Towards an integrated SDI for Europe (Spatial data infrastructure) The Nordic Forum for Geo-Statistics Statistics Norway-Statistics Finland-Statistics Denmark-Statistics Sweden

2 Shared systems of reference
Defensive policies to counter threats Describe and react on natural disasters (flooding, Storms etc.) Describe and react on infrastructure breakdowns (nuclear disasters) Describe and react on social unrest (wars, acts of terror) Etc. Offensive policies to exploit opportunities Describe and develop new markets Describe and develop Business and Industrial clusters Describe and develop physical infrastructures

3 From INSPIRE to an Integrated SDI
Sustainability To develop our welfare without diminishing the prospects of future generations. Two parallel complimentary projects Defend and develop ecology based systems (environmental) Eco-logy (Study of habitat) 1873, coined by Ger. zoologist Ernst Haeckel ( ) as Okologie, from Gk. oikos "house, dwelling place, habitation" (see villa) + -logia "study of." Ecosystem is from 1935. Defend and develop economy based systems (socio-economic) Eco-nomy (Household management) )c.1530, "household management," from L. oeconomia, from Gk. oikonomia "household management," from oikonomos "manager, steward," from oikos "house" (cognate with L. vicus "district," vicinus "near;" O.E. wic "dwelling, village;" see villa) + nomos "managing," from nemein "manage." The sense of "manage the resources of a country" (short for political economy) is from 1651.

4 Vertical and horizontal integration
Vertical integration Global SDI European SDI National SDI Regional SDI Local SDI Horizontal integration Both Economy based systems And Ecology based systems

5 Natural ecosystems

6 The environmentalists Perspective
Environmental System Socioeconomic system

7 The environmentalists DPSIR (Eco-logical)
Driving forces (from socio-economic system (and natural ecosystems)) Monitoring based on an integrated model of MES Pressures (on natural ecosystems) Impact (on natural ecosystems) State (on natural ecosystems) Spatial analysis based monitoring results Reporting based on spatial analysis Response (from socio-economic system (and natural ecosystems))

8 Man-made socio-economic systems

9 The socio-economic Perspective
Environmental System Socioeconomic system

10 The socio-economic DPSIR (Eco-nomical)
Driving forces (From socio-economic system (and natural ecosystems)) Monitoring based on an integrated model of MES Pressures (on socio-economic system) Impact (on socio-economic system) State (of socio-economic system) Analysis based on qualified data (small area statistics) Reporting based on qualified data (large area statistics) Response (From socio-economic system (and natural ecosystems))

11 Infrastructures Integrated model of MES (man environmental systems)
A crude but efficient model of the natural environment A crude but efficient model of the socio-economic system Data (Statistics) Monitoring- and other data to asses system pressures Monitoring- and other data to asses measure system state Monitoring- and other data to judge Impact Methods Methods to describe and analyse system pressures Methods to describe and analyse system state Methods to describe and analyse system Impact Features Map features to describe natural and artificial structures in a geographical context Map features to serve as an infrastructure for monitoring, spatial analysis and reporting

12 An Integrated Model (perspective)
Environmental System Socio-economic system

13 Area based statistics (requires a system of irregular tessellations)
Data (Statistics) Point based small area statistics (requires a system of regular tessellations) Area based statistics (requires a system of irregular tessellations) Areas Points

14 Analysis 1: Outer delineations

15 Analysis 2: Inner differentiations

16 Reporting A system for reporting on Environmental issues
A System for reporting on Socio-economic Issues

17 Three major problems Vertical integration of SDI:s
We need to integrate all SDI efforts hierarchy of resolutions for Global, EU, National, Regional and Local needs. Horizontal integration of SDI:s We are through the Inspire-directive building an SDI designed to describe natural ecology based systems We need a complementary SDI designed to describe natural socio-economy based systems An infrastructure for spatial analysis Inspire provides primarily geographical features that may be used as background or for reporting purposes We need a Spatial data Infrastructure for Statistics designed for the entire process from data capture, over spatial analysis to reporting

18 Three parallel actions
A Network To form a ”European Network of Excellence for geo –statistics” (a Nordic network for geo-statistics exist) A Project To formulate a project with objective of building a Spatial data infrastructure for spatial analysis and reporting later to be integrated with the INSPIRE (a Nordic project to this end is under preparation) A Professional Forum To organise a yearly professional ”European Forum for Geo-Statistics” (the fifth Nordic Forum for geo-statistics will meet September in Stockholm)

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