HR-XML meets ebXML openXchange pilot in electronic staffing

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1 HR-XML meets ebXML openXchange pilot in electronic staffing
Frank van den Eijnden ECP.NL HR-XML Heidelberg Meeting July 17-18

2 Agenda Electronic Purchasing in the Netherlands ebXML - HR-XML
Pilot temporary staffing (openXchange) Status developments

3 EP-NL Electronic Purchasing - Netherlands Started in 1998
Initiative of ECP.NL, NEVI, Berenschot and a few large companies (KLM,AkzoNobel, Shell) Goal: - exchange of experiences concerning electronic procurement - defining standards

4 Why EP-NL ? Using ICT in the procurement process has many (cost) advantages Problems: - lack of connectivity - lack of standard products and services - no transparent ICT market EP-NL helps by: - developping standards - letting buyers help each other with navigating on the ICT market

5 How does EP-NL work ? Standards development in working groups
Buyers help buyers - round tables - pilots - exchange of information Via sectoral unions Projects

6 Survey productgroups electronic procurement (2000)
Temporary staffing 254 ICT-products 245 Office supplies 211 Cleaning services 49 Maintenance 43 Logistics 42 Carlease/-hire 39 Telecom & energy 33 Business services 25 Tools 23 Catering 22

7 Obtaining temporary employment
HR-XML Consortium around XML messages for Human Resource Management SIDES (Staffing Industry Data Exchange Standards) Internationally accepted messageset for obtaining and invoicing temporary employment

8 XML Over 1000 initiatives OBI IATA OTA GCI AIAG UBL HL7 EHD HR-XML
agXML Boeing cXML Togaf OBI IATA OTA GCI AIAG Rosettanet CIDX xCBL UBL SMDG Bolero HL7 EHD VICS Odette E-construct Opentrans SWIFT HR-XML Ford Acord xBRL Wal-mart xCat Over 1000 initiatives


10 What is ebXML ? A total solution to be able to exchange structured business information: - Application systems - Browsers - systems from different organizations


12 Goal ebXML Interoperability between:
Sectors (trade, transport, banks…) Countries Trade processes (contracting, ordering, invoicing..)

13 ebXML - Proces Profile International standardisation working groups
Registry Harmonization of filed process models and data components Development of process models and data Sectoral organizations Individual companies &organisations and software companies Implementation of process models Profile

14 Profile matching ebXML Profile 1 ebXML Profile 2 Automatic matching
App.1 App.2 ebXML agreement Runtime communication

15 OpenXchange

16 OpenXchange Research and implementation project
Partly financed by EU (IST-program) Duration: 2 1/2 years Goal: implementation of ebXML in different sectors: - procurement via catalogues - construction - temporary staffing

17 Pilots Defining business processes and messages between organizations which hire temporary staff and organizations which detach temporary staff. Using SIDES and EP-NL procedures Implementation at 2/3 inleners and 3/4 employment agencies Supply input of ebXML specifications to the ebXML registry

18 Process Contracting Selecting Register Invoicing Register:
Via electronic forms as well as time registration system Invoicing: Invoicing and credit notes

19 Roles TNO and Berenschot (consultants): Specifying and development
ECP-NL (eBusiness Platform) and Nevi (Purchasing Platform): Communication and dissemination Organisations which hire and detach temporary staff (user community): Impementation ABU, HR-XML and ebXML (standardisation organisations): Standards

20 Status pilot

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