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Lead Teacher Intervention

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1 Lead Teacher Intervention
LTI Lead Teacher Intervention

2 What is LTI? Teacher’s Role Who goes to LTI? Lead’s Role
Goal of LTI is to have the instructors working with their active students. Therefore, when a student stops working, and all teacher interventions have been utilized, it is time to LTI. Teacher’s Role Who goes to LTI? Students with over 2 weeks of no work, who have never been to LTI before The instructor has recently completed (within 2 weeks prior): Logged 2 No Work Call attempts OR logged 1 No Work Call (success) Students who you are ready to withdraw if they don’t get back on track Lead’s Role Who goes to LTI? Students who have not previously been in LTI Students that are not consistent in their work. At least two weeks of absolutely no work, or having a minimum expectation and just “slipping by” Students who have had sufficient No Work contact from their instructor Drop/Add students are not eligible

3 Who is eligible for LTI? Students with over 2 weeks of no work, who have never been to LTI before The instructor has recently completed (within the last 2 weeks): Logged 2 No Work Call attempts OR Logged 1 No Work Call (success) Students who you are ready to withdraw if they don’t get back on track

4 WARNING Think VERY carefully about the students you are placing in the LTI; per Lainy. Know your students!

5 What happens while a student is in LTI?
Teacher’s Role Monday, before Noon Write in comments section: “LTI 01/22” Note any other special circumstances Change status to CI (Contact Instructor) You’re done!  If they contact the instructor, please tell them to call the lead. Lead’s Role Mail Merge Text Attempt No work Calls

6 By 12:00pm on Monday’s What do you do?!
In VSA write in “comments” section: LTI and the date EXAMPLE: “LTI 01/22” Note any other special circumstances Change status to CI (Contact Instructor) (If they contact the instructor, please tell them to call the lead.) ** Do not /IM/text a Lead teacher after noon on a Monday and tell them you forgot a student and can they please be added to the list… that student will have to wait until next week.

7 Did we reach them? Yes! Teacher’s Role Lead’s Role No! Teacher’s Role
Save & Print the Success Plan that the lead has attached to the calendar invite Accept the calendar invite with the plan Consistently track it for 4 weeks. If they do not follow LTI plan, call and give them encouragement to turn in the missing work that day, or request withdrawal. If they do, celebrate successes with them. Lead’s Role Complete a monthly call, and discuss specific goals Create a success plan with the minimum number of assignments to complete weekly. Take student out of CI Create Success Plan, create calendar invite, and send to teacher, student and parent No! Teacher’s Role See who did not follow up with lead (you should receive an ), and process withdrawal. Lead’s Role The following Monday, each instructor with who did not contact for LTI.

8 Did we reach them? What do you do?! Yes!
Save & Print the Success Plan that the lead has attached to the calendar invite Accept the calendar invite with the plan Consistently track it for 4 weeks. If they do not follow LTI plan, call and give them encouragement to turn in the missing work that day, or request withdrawal.

9 Did we reach them? What do you do?!
No! What do you do?! See who did not follow up with lead (you should receive an ), and process withdrawal.

10 Notes Teacher of Record initiates all withdrawal requests, not the Lead Teacher Teachers must be held accountable by the IL for not taking appropriate action after LTI It is very important that the Leads send back to the teacher anyone who has not received at least 2 intervention attempts by the teacher prior to LTI LTI continues during vacation coverage NOTE TO LEADS: You may want to limit number of students per teacher initially or during coverage

11 Getting the Most Bang for your Buck?
Calling Students Regularly = Higher Completions, Higher Yields, Higher Completion % VS Texting and mail merge Are you calling??

12 Are you Promoting our Student Help Site?
Are you telling/reminding students about our Help Site? Tell them every chance you get and let them know what is available Instructional Videos Tutoring Videos Guides Notes Assignment Guides Help Sheets Flashcards (You should have the educator codes) Also don’t forget to mention Open Office Hours and our Live Collaboration Sessions

13 Additional Changes: Graders/paraprofessional support vacation teacher
Do not “rely” on grading support they are reassigned according to IL directive. Open office calendar will be adjusted soon! (We have 3 new teachers)

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