Payables Tips & Tricks Top 5 secrets in 15 minutes or less

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1 Payables Tips & Tricks Top 5 secrets in 15 minutes or less
October 25th 2017 ***Always for a quicker response***

2 Payables --Tip #1 – Navigating Vouchers

3 JUST KIDDING A little accounting humor (is that an oxy-moron??)

4 Payables - Tip# 1A - Signatures
Proper Signatures TME’s need: Employee Certification (can be ed) Department Signature Cabinet Officer Signature (required) *** Vendor Payment Cabinet Officer Signature (over $5000) Updated forms coming – will be available on our website soon **A form that needs signatures can be seriously delayed in payment – the more complete the better for faster service

5 Payables - Tip# 2 – Rush Checks
Rush checks are not a problem – IF: There are proper signatures Voucher info is correct/matches with invoice All backup needed is attached THINGS THAT HELP ME HELP YOU: Scan and before you bring it so I can review Coming through campus mail is way slower Hand to someone in the office, not in my box if I’m not here Clearly mark it as a RUSH—with a due date, etc. – highlighted or with a stickie note

6 Payables - Tip# 3 – Vendor Changes
Vendor address changes that need to be permanent Please or mark clearly that the change needs to be made in Colleague If you change the info on the Voucher, it DOES NOT change it in the Vendor file If the checks needs to be made to that new address, please mark that clearly **It is best to all vendor changes to before you add the Voucher so that it will make the new information available when you’re entering and it is updated for next time.

7 Payables - Tip# 4— Changing vouchers vs. Voiding and re-entering
Changing Vouchers once you have saved them **Will cause your GL to show multiple credits and debits **Amounts and percentages can sometimes not change correctly GL changes Go to third Voucher screen, click on the #1 next to the GL at the bottom of the screen, delete all, then re-enter Amount changes Make change in two places 1st screen – invoice total box 3rd screen – box under description and at bottom next to the GL (must make sure % equals 100) Name Changes 1st screen – Highlight the Vendor ID Control + Alt + D Warning – GL’s will change, click OK



10 Payables – Tip # 5 – E-checks
Please encourage vendors to fill out the direct deposit forms (updated and on our website under forms) Time frame to process new direct deposit form – 1-2 business days at the most Cuts down on lost checks that need to be voided and re-issued (a very lengthy, process) Can be filled out and signed electronically and ed (at the senders own risk, as this is sensitive information) If you aren’t sure who is signed up, call or anytime

11 Schedule change - Reminder
Please remember for timely responses always All requests between 2:30 and 5 each day will be answered the next morning. Thank you all for your patience with me since I’ve been hired, the learning curve was steep, and I still learn something new every day – please don’t ever hesitate to call or me with questions

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