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Arkansas Tree Farm Program

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1 Arkansas Tree Farm Program
an overview Administered by Arkansas Forestry Association

2 Who we are:

3 Our focus: The Arkansas Tree Farm Program promotes the stewardship of sustainable natural resource management (wood, water, wildlife and recreation) and the benefits of forest certification through education, professional contact, peer mentoring and educational programs. The program: Is based on outreach and education Emphasizes the importance of responsible and sustainable forest management

4 Program history: The term “tree farming” was first used in about 1940 to introduce the public to sustainable forestry terminology they could easily understand. The first Tree Farm was established in 1941 by Weyerhaeuser in Montesano, WA as a demonstration area to highlight good forestry practices. It was created, in part, to prove that private owners could properly manage forestlands and that government regulations or oversight of practices was not necessary. Soon after state committees were started in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Oregon, and Washington, where the focus became recognition of good stewardship on family forestlands.

5 June 6, 1942 Ceremony launched state Tree Farm program held in Fordyce, Arkansas. 22 landowners awarded signs and certificates. Miss Billie Wilson, Queen of the Arkansas Tree Farm System, sits on throne.


7 About ATFS ATFS is the largest and oldest sustainable family woodland system in America, internationally recognized, meeting strict third-party certification standards. Sustaining forests, watersheds, and healthy habitats through the power of private stewardship ATFS is a voluntary system for privately owned forestlands Minimum of 10 acres Written forest management plan Adhere to Standards and Guidelines

8 The American Tree Farm System today:
ATFS has: Over 82,000 Certified Tree Farmers in the U.S. 22 million acres in the System 4,000 Inspecting Foresters and many more volunteers AFF Standard in effect Group Certification program in place

9 Is ATFS right for me? ATFS is the most economically viable certification option for small family forest owners. The reason we can offer this service is because of the commitment of you: our nationwide three thousand plus corps of inspecting foresters. Tree Farm is built on your professionalism; you provide the on-the-ground validation which is essential to Tree Farm’s integrity, and the confidence that this is an exemplary program.

10 Certification Certificates are issued based on Regions.
However, individual States may lose their certification based on their individual performance during an assessment.

11 The Standards Designed for the size, scale and management intensity of family-owned and small woodlands in the United States, the ATFS Standards of Sustainability are the basis for enrollment in the American Tree Farm System® (ATFS) program. In 2014, the Standards underwent review for the Standards. An open, transparent process ensured appropriate incorporation of public input, emerging developments in the forest management arena and promoted continuous improvement of the ATFS program.

12 Standards and guidelines
Standard 1: Commitment to Practicing Sustainable Forestry Standard 2: Compliance with Laws Standard 3: Reforestation and Afforestation Standard 4: Air, Water, and Soil Protection Standard 5: Fish, Wildlife, Biodiversity & Forest Health Standard 6: Forest Aesthetics Standard 7: Protect Special Sites Standard 8: Forest Product Harvests and Other Activities

13 Membership Fees implemented July 2017

14 Arkansas Tree Farm Program Fee Structure
To maintain certification, each Tree Farmer will be required to meet the certification Standards set forth by the American Tree Farm System, as well as pay a membership fee of $75 for the first Tree Farm and $20 for each additional Tree Farm, with a maximum fee of $5,000. Arkansas Tree Farm Program Fee Structure A fee schedule adopted by the Arkansas Forestry Association (AFA) Board of Directors in October 2016 was implemented in July The fees are a component that will assist the Arkansas Tree Farm program in meeting the requirements set forth by the American Forest Foundation stating that each state program must be financially self- supporting by 2018.

15 The Arkansas Tree Farm Program today:
Arkansas Tree Farm Statistics (as of 9/27/2018): Certified Tree Farms in Arkansas ,552 Owners of Certified Tree Farms in Arkansas Acres certified by Tree Farm in Arkansas ,725 Counties in Arkansas with Certified Tree Farms

16 Member Benefits

17 Certification: Tree Farm Certification that meets international, third party standards of sustainable forest management may provide greater access to markets with more bids on your timber, potentially higher timber prices and preference when mills are on quota.

18 Recognition The green and white diamond shaped Tree Farm sign recognizes Tree Farmers, with a written and approved management plan, for meeting the standards of the Tree Farm System. It says “We’re proud to be Tree Farmers!”

19 Membership: Provides you with membership in a national organization that is a leader in representing private landowners, keeps you abreast of new developments and political trends, gives you a voice in decisions affecting land management, and provides you with an opportunity to shape the future.

20 Networking: Making connections with other landowners, sharing ideas, learning from each other, connecting with professional foresters, avoiding problems others have had, becoming part of a community that works together for better land management.

21 Education: Landowner education programs, tours, and field trips are provided for forest landowners. Tree Farm foresters provide on the ground assistance during initial and re-inspections. Monthly e-newsletters, the Arkansas Tree Farm quarterly newsletter - Family & Forests, and Woodland magazine (quarterly) are provided.

22 Advocacy: Tree Farm advocacy protects your property rights and the right to grow timber in Arkansas. The National Tree Farm staff works on issues related to Tree Farming, soil and water conservation, and much more. Notable success includes the $5.43 million estate tax exemption and the Farm Bill making Tree Farmers equal to farmers and ranchers for government programs. Tree Farm advocates have also worked diligently on issues related to the Endangered Species Act, Waters of the U.S., Carbon neutrality of biomass, and many more.

23 Communication The Arkansas Tree Farm Program is dedicated to ensuring the quality and value of it’s program. One of the ways to ensure this is by implementing the following Communication Strategy. Tree Farmer Communication Strategy: Quarterly newsletters Monthly e-newsletter Tree Farmer Conference Landowner education sessions Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year tour

24 Which certification is right for me?

25 American Tree Farm System
At a glance… FSC SFI American Tree Farm System Created 1993 1941 Created Context Global North America United States Certification Targeted to industry, public and international landholdings of large acres* Typically reserved for larger landowners, Industrial forestlands, TIMO’s/REIT’s Typically reserved for family forest owners < 10,000 acres Internationally Recognized Yes LEED Rating System Yes (pilot) *In 2010, FSC finalized a family forest ownership program that allows group certification million acres certified in this group.

26 American Tree Farm System
Certification schemes At a glance … FSC SFI American Tree Farm System Third-party audits to measure planning, procedures, systems and performance of on-the-ground forest operations Yes Ensure harvested areas are reforested, laws obeyed and there is no unauthorized or illegal logging Chain-of-Custody Labeling No High cost of certification

27 Questions? Jennifer Lambert Johnson, Administrator
Arkansas Tree Farm Program

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