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5 paragraph essay Structuring your text May Horverak.

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1 5 paragraph essay Structuring your text May Horverak

2 Competence aims After year 10: Write narrating, descriptive and argumentative texts with appropriate structre and use of paragraphs Adapt oral and written language to genre and situation May Horverak

3 Connectors Relation Conjunctions; (combining clauses) Subjunctions
(subclauses) Connecting expressions (followed by a comma)  Additive (tillegg) and or Furthermore In addition Besides Likewise Similarly As well as For instance Adversative (motsetning) But although even though whereas However Nevertheless Yet On the one hand, on the other hand On the contrary Despite this May Horverak

4 Causal (årsak) For because as since Temporal (tid) when after before
Consequently As a result So Therefore Hence For this reason From this According to Temporal (tid) when after before once until while First/Firstly Second/Secondly Third/Thirdly Finally Then Next To sum up In conclusion Conditional (forutsetning) If as long as May Horverak

5 INFORMAL LANGUAGE FORMAL LANGUAGE Contracted forms (I’m, he’s)
No contracted forms; (I am, he has) Abbreviations (info) No abbreviations (information) Slang expressions (mate, wanna, gonna) No slang expressions (friend, want to, going to) Informal expressions (kids, teens, mom, dad) No informal expressions (children, teenagers, mother and father) Personal style (I, you) Neutral pronouns (One, we; do not use “you” + do not use “I” more than necessary) Dialect (youse) Standard English (you) Sentence fragments (Over there. Fantastic.) and incomplete sentences (Have been there.) Only full sentences (It is over there.) (I have been there.) Double negatives (I haven’t said nothing.) No double negatives (I have not said anything.) Punctuation: Sentences often start with conjunctions (And, Or, But, For), punctuation rules are not followed. Punctuation: No exclamation marks (!), follow comma rules and never start sentences with conjunctions (and, or, but, for), use conjuncts followed by a comma (However, In addition, Therefore, May Horverak

6 Formal language No slang No contractions No informal abbreviation
‘Going to’, not ‘gonna’ No contractions ‘It is’, not ‘it’s’ ‘I am’, not ‘I’m’ No informal abbreviation ‘okay’, not ‘ok’ Some formal abbreviations: e.g. (for example) + i.e. (that is) Modify your words ‘I am critical to this’, not ‘I hate this’ ‘In my opinion he should be punished’, not ‘He deserves to die, they should shoot him!’ May Horverak

7 Example:
Immigration or not? Immigrants come for different reasons and from different countries. Should we continue accepting immigrants or not? This text will discuss the issue of immigration and give arguments for helping people who need help. It is important that we help people who are less fortunate than we are. Many asylum seekers need food and clothes. They may come from poor countries like Afghanistan, Somalia and other African countries. Migrating to other countries might be their only hope. Some people immigrate because they have fled from their homes. They may have fled from war, or they may have been persecuted because of political opinions or religious beliefs. These people may have feared torture or execution. On the one hand, it may be a challenge accepting people having different cultures and religious practices. On the other hand, this may enrichen our culture in various ways. Some people migrate to find better job opportunities. We have immigrants doing unskilled work like berry-picking. However, some immigrants come to work here because they have skills we need, like carpenters, dentists and doctors. We may say that some of these people come to get the benefits we have in Norway, but still, they kind of do us a favour. To sum up, people come to Norway for different reasons, and it is good that we can help people who are less fortunate than we are. People may come because of hunger or war, or they may come to get better jobs. It is important that a rich country like Norway accepts immigrants, and it is important that we continue helping those who need help. May Horverak

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