Aperture Array Station Processing

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Presentation on theme: "Aperture Array Station Processing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aperture Array Station Processing
Andrew Faulkner SKADS Project Engineer September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

2 Station Processing – Cape Town
SKA Overall Structure Beam Data Mass Storage GHz Wide FoV Tile & Station Processing Central Processing Facility - CPF Dense AA To 250 AA Stations ... Correlator – AA & Dish 16 Tb/s Data ... .. MHz Wide FoV .. Time Control Post Processor Sparse AA ... GHz Single Pixel or Focal plane array DSP Control Processors & User interface 12-15m Dishes 80 Gb/s DSP Time Standard ... To 2400 Dishes User interface via Internet September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

3 Mid-Frequency Aperture Array
Tile Support Bunker Freq range 0.3  1.2 GHz Dense array (Nyquist sampled) ~75,000 Receiver chains September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

4 EMBRACE - SKADS August 2009 Station Processor

5 Station Processing – Cape Town
The AA Station Next Proc. Bunker n x Optical fibres per 2nd stage processor >1016 MACs Station Processor 1 } 1st Stage Processors Mid P1 Station Processor 2 Mid P2 AA-hi To Correlator . Mid Py GHz Analog links Internal Digital links Station Processor X . . Box Low P1 O-E? Phase Standard & Distribution .. ... Phase transfer over fibre . . Low Pz O-E? Control processors 500MHz Analog links To Central Control AA-lo 10Gb Digital fibre links Prev. Proc. Bunker September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

6 Station Processing – Cape Town
1-D Beamforming Incoming signal Geometric Delay, t Elements Electronic Delay Beam + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t Delay Element # September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

7 1-D Beamforming Incoming signal Geometric Delay, t
Elements Spectral Separation + Electronic Delay Beam + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + C0I0+ C1I1+ C2I2+ C3I3+ C4I4+ C5I5 + C6I6+ C7I7+ C8I8+ C9I9+ C10I10 + C11I11+ C12I12+ C13I13+ C14I14+ C15I15 + C16I16+ C17I17+ C18I18+ C19I19+ C20I20+ C21I21+ C22I22+ C23I23 Using Phase delay approximation in narrow frequency bands C0I0+ C1I1+ C2I2+ C3I3+ C4I4+ C5I September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

8 Hierarchical structure
Incoming signal Geometric Delay, t Elements Electronic Delay + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Tiles Station processor Beam + + + + + September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

9 Station Processing – Cape Town
AA Station Implementation Tile beam data Station Processor TH_n ….. ….. TH_1 Ae Tile Processor - hi TH_0 ……. ….. To Correlator ….. Ae Ae Station beam data September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

10 Survey Speed – AA’s forte!
At 1 GHz with 250 deg2 FoV: AA station is big: say 60m dia.  small beams  ~0.28º width So, many, many station beams: >3000 ! But, Tile beams are larger, ~5º width So, # of Tile beams required: 10 Easy....? August 2009 Station Processor

11 Station Processing – Cape Town
Visually.. Station beams Tile beam Great! Constrains data rate of Tile  Station processor September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

12 Ah, but... Only perfect for the central beam on Tile beam
Station beams Tile beam Only perfect for the central beam on Tile beam This is what we’ve done..... September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

13 Dynamic range badly affected
Tile Beamforming Incoming signal Elements Electronic Delay + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Tiles Station processor Beam + + + + + t Delay Discontinuities will give high sidelobes and variable forward gain: Dynamic range badly affected Tile Beam Element # September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

14 Hierarchical Beamforming looks best option
Some Consequences Need ‘extra’ Tile beams over minimum calculated. Probably also interpolate between Tile beams for more precision Performance can still be arbitrarily good: dynamic range etc. Maybe on limited FoV. Bandwidth from Tiles to Station processor determined on quality of beams as well as FoV: still programmable. Concentrate beamforming centrally as much as possible Calculating “allowable error”, hence Tile  Station Proc. Communications requirment is “work-in-progress” Hierarchical Beamforming looks best option September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

15 AA Station Processor Reqts.
Beamform the output of all the Tile processors into Station beams Send “correlator ready” data over fibre to the central processor Part of the station calibration scheme Flexibly handle the data from the AA-hi and AA-lo arrays Maybe provide the ‘F’ part of the FX correlator Maybe provide station data for local processing Possibly hold ‘observation history’ data to post process Be readily scaleable for: Number of tiles c. Internal station data rates Data bandwidth to correlator d. Data length to correlator August 2009 Station Processor

16 Outline spec. of Processing Chip
Inputs Outputs Processing Device: PChip 1013 MAC or 10 TMAC 1 1 Each Stream: 12 x 10Gb/s 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

17 PChip B’forming requirements
Assuming: All 6 outputs at full speed using all 6 inputs reals per complex sample and 4 real MACs per complex MAC. 6 inputs, I0 – I5 and 6 outputs O0 – O5. Beamforming for one output stream: On = C0I0+ C1I1+ C2I2+ C3I3+ C4I4+ C5I5 The input data rate per stream is 120Gb/s raw: 96Gb/s actual Each complex sample is 2 x 4 bit reals so: ~12.5GS/s per stream. Processing per output stream is: 4*6*12.5 = 300 GMACs Total processing for 6 output streams = 1,800 GMACs. This is well within the PChip capability of 10TMACs Maybe some pre-processing required on each sample. September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

18 Station Comms 120 Gb/s total 50m range Power: 12-channel fibre
Tx: 2.4 watts Rx: 2.0 watts 12-channel fibre 10Gb/s channels VCSEL technology Pluggable 19mm pitch August 2009 Station Processor

19 Station Processing – Cape Town
AA Station Data rates TH_n ….. ….. 12 fibre each 12 fibre each Long distance drivers e/o TH_1 e/o Ae e/o Tile Processor - hi TH_0 Station Processor o/e e/o o/e ….. o/e o/e ….. e/o o/e Ae e/o o/e e/o ….. e/o ……. e/o Ae e/o Long distance drivers e/o o/e e/o o/e o/e o/e GHz analogue o/e ….. ….. Inputs #: 1296 Channel rate: 120Gb/s (raw) Total i/p rate: 1.5 Pb/s Typical: AA-hi tiles: 300 AA-lo tiles: 45 Total: 345 I/p data rate: 42Tb/s o/e ………... o/e o/e ….. To Correlator ……. ….. Tile Processor - lo e/o e/o 10Gb/s fibre ….. e/o ….. ….. .... e/o Max 4 Station Processors Station Processor n TL_0 Long distance drivers TL_1 1.0 GHz analogue ….. ….. Notes: 1. No control network shown 2. Up to 4 station processor systems can be implemented in parallel 3. Data shown are raw, typ. get 80% data TL_m Local Processing e.g. Cal; pulsars September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

20 Station Processor Board
Each link is 12 diff. copper o/e PChip PChip e/o 1 o/e e/o 2 o/e e/o 3 o/e e/o 4 o/e e/o 5 o/e e/o o/e PChip PChip e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o 12-channel Rx module. e.g Avago AFBR-820BXXZ o/e e/o 12-channel Tx module. e.g Avago AFBR-810BXXZ o/e PChip PChip e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o To 1st stage Processors or Primary Station Processors To Secondary Station Processors or long distance fibre drivers o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e PChip PChip e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o Each link is 12 fibre Each link is 12 fibre o/e PChip PChip e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o o/e e/o 30 o/e PChip PChip e/o 31 Total Raw input data rate: 4.32Tb/s o/e “All to All” Connections e/o Total Raw output data rate: 4.32Tb/s max 32 o/e e/o 33 o/e e/o 34 o/e e/o 35 o/e e/o Control Processor Tx/Rx Line Station Control Station Processor Board August 2009 August 2009 Station Processor Station Processor

21 Station Processing – Cape Town
Station Processor system (120Gb/s per Tile) Station Processor Primary Station Processor Board Secondary Station Processor Board Long distance drivers Max no. of Tiles AA-hi+AA-lo is 1296 1 2 1 2 ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. 35 AA-hi Primary Station Processor Board 1 ….. Secondary Station Processor Board 1 Long distance drivers To each 1st stage Processor ….. ….. ….. ….. To Correlator ….. ….. Primary Station Processor Board (max 35) ….. Secondary Station Processor Board (max 35) Long distance drivers AA-lo “All to All” Connections ….. ….. ….. ….. Each correlator channel is10Gb/s (maybe colour multiplexed together) Each link is 12 fibre Each link is 12 fibre September 2009 Station Processing – Cape Town

22 Long distance drives ….. Block 0 To Secondary Station To Correlator
PChip e/o e/o e/o e/o e/o e/o Block 0 e/o e/o e/o e/o e/o 12-channel Rx module. e.g Avago AFBR-820BXXZ e/o Each link is fibre10Gb/s raw o/e To Secondary Station Processors 1 ….. To Correlator o/e 2 o/e 3 o/e 4 o/e Long distance 10km Tx module. 5 o/e e/o Each link is 12 fibre e/o e/o e/o e/o e/o Block 5 e/o Total Raw output data rate: 720Gb/s max e/o e/o Total Raw input data rate: 720Gb/s e/o e/o e/o Control Processor Tx/Rx Line Station Control August 2009 Station Processor

23 Estimated Costs (120Gb/s per Tile)
Total: €480k August 2009 Station Processor

24 AA Station Beamforming can be done!
Conclusions Beamform to 1 chip depth at the Tile Station Processor data rate is much higher than output Processing performance is unlikely to be an issue Comms costs and performance critical Focus on making wide-area comms cheaper! AA Station Beamforming can be done! August 2009 Station Processor

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