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Behavior Therapy.

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1 Behavior Therapy

2 Themes Individuals seen as products of their experience
Do not consider human complexity as an indication that there are mental structures that make up personality Do take into account both personal and environmental determinants Learning can lead to development of practically any type of behavior Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social Modeling Deal with current problems and behaviors Change can occur without insight into underlying dynamics Clients are expected to take active roles Interventions are individually tailored to fit the individuals specific problems and must generalize into their everyday lives

3 Process Therapist Role Consultant in Behavior Change
Supporter and motivator in process of change Resource in clarifying the problem and in designing change strategies Model of more functional behavior

4 Process Goals are to extinguish maladaptive behavior and introduce and strengthen adaptive behavior Change occurs through three ways of learning Respondent Behavior (Classical Conditioning) Operant Conditioning Social Modeling 4 broad categories of problems (see pages in text) Use homework assignments fairly extensively

5 Process Dictionary of Behavior Therapy Techniques by Bellack & Hersen (1987) Behavioral Assessment Positive Reinforcement Token Economies Assertiveness Training Modeling Relaxation Training Systematic Desensitization Flooding Social Skills Training

6 Process Self-modification Select goals
Translate goals into target behaviors Self-monitoring Working out a plan for change Evaluating an action plan

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