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Philoxenos The Love of Strangers

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1 Philoxenos The Love of Strangers

2 17 For the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe. 18 He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the alien by giving him food and clothing. 19 So show your love for the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt. - Deuteronomy 10:17-19

3 “You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger, for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt. - Exodus 23:9

4 There shall be one standard for you; it shall be for the stranger as well as the native, for I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 24:22

5 Hospitality in the New Testament
Hospitality on a personal level

6 Hospitality in the New Testament
Apostles instructed the church concerning hospitality: Spiritual gift To be done generously Sign of maturity Done cheerfully Witness of faith and love

7 Hospitality → Growth

8 The Church of Christ The Church of Love

9 ABRAHAM’S EXAMPLE 1 Now the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day. 2 When he lifted up his eyes and looked, behold, three men were standing opposite him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth, 3 and said, “My Lord, if now I have found favor in Your sight, please do not pass Your servant by. - Genesis 18:1-3

10 4 Please let a little water be brought and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree; 5 and I will bring a piece of bread, that you may refresh yourselves; after that you may go on, since you have visited your servant.” And they said, “So do, as you have said.” - Genesis 18:4-5

11 Hospitality Consists of:
A gracious welcome

12 Hospitality Consists of:
A gracious welcome An eagerness to please

13 Hospitality Consists of:
A gracious welcome An eagerness to please Sensitivity to real needs

14 6 So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, and said, “Quickly, prepare three measures of fine flour, knead it and make bread cakes.” 7 Abraham also ran to the herd, and took a tender and choice calf and gave it to the servant, and he hurried to prepare it. 8 He took curds and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and placed it before them; and he was standing by them under the tree as they ate. - Genesis 18:6-8

15 Hospitality Consists of:
A gracious welcome An eagerness to please Sensitivity to real needs Serve the best you have

16 Hospitality Consists of:
A gracious welcome An eagerness to please Sensitivity to real needs Serve the best you have Hospitality is a family thing

17 God rewards those who love strangers. (Abraham, Rahab, Martha and Mary)

18 God will bless the church
Strangers will be blessed The church will grow Our love will increase The Lord will welcome us


20 “Well done, good and faithful servant… enter into the joy of your master.”
- Matthew 25:21

21 Are you a stranger (or estranged) to the Lord?

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