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Grade 8 English Literatures of The World

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 8 English Literatures of The World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 8 English Literatures of The World

2 Lesson 3 : Greek Mythology as Foundation of Western Literature

3 Mythology? What`s That? Explains how things assumed their present form. Important feature of all Cultures It is different from Legend

4 What`s with Mythology? Gain wisdom for everyday living
Origin of western culture Many poems are full of allusions from myth Foundation of all great literary pieces

5 Greek Gods of Olympus

6 Video Clip

7 Zeus King of the gods Lord of the sky and the rain
A fair and just king Womanizer Eagle is his symbol


9 Poseidon Lord of the sea Most powerful next to Zeus The earth shaker
The giver of horse to men


11 Artemis Lady of wild things Goddess of chastity
A VSB (virgin since birth) Deer is sacred to her


13 Hera Argos is her favorite city Wife of Zeus A jealous goddess
Cow and peacock are sacred to her


15 Athena Goddess of wisdom A warrior goddess Goddess of economy
Owl is her symbol


17 Aphrodite Goddess of love, desire and beauty Cyprus is her oracle
Myrtle is her tree Dove and swan are her birds She holds the golden apple A very important myth Figure

18 Aphrodite

19 Ares Symbol : Dog, Snake and Vulture The God of War Loves Bloodshed
Aphrodite`s other man


21 Hestia Goddess of hearth or fireside Goddess of domesticity, and state
Goddess of order and family Received the first offering at every sacrifice in the household


23 Hades Lord of the Underworld God of Wealth Ruler of the dead
Brother of Zeus and Poseidon


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