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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

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Presentation on theme: "Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Chapter 12

2 A college education is an investment in your future
A college education is an investment in your future. Plan to live a long and healthy life to enjoy your investment.

3 In the 21st Century, it is predicted that you could live to be 100 years old.

4 Life Expectancy A male baby born today can expect to live 77.1 years;
a baby girl, 81.9 years. At 35 years of age, a person’s life expectancy rises to 78.96 for males and for females.

5 Plan your life as if you will live to be 100 years old and healthy.

6 Keys to Good Health Nutrition Exercise
Avoid Addictions to Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs Protect Yourself from Disease and Sexual Assault Get Enough Sleep Manage Stress

7 Nutrition: You Are What You Eat

8 Aim for a Healthy Weight

9 What is the best way to maintain a healthy weight?

10 Maintain a healthy weight through:
Healthy eating Exercise

11 Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
A common method of evaluating your weight BMI= 705 X Body Weight Divided By (Height X Height)

12 BMI Less than 18.5 Under weight 18.5-24.9 Normal weight 25-29.9
30 and above Under weight Normal weight Overweight Obese

13 Be Physically Active Each Day

14 Adults Need 30-60 Minutes of Moderate Activity Each Day
Moderate activity is one that requires as much energy as walking 2 miles in 30 minutes.

15 Newer recommendations are for an hour of exercise each day!

16 Nutrition Test

17 What would you feed a 6 year old for breakfast before you send him or her to school?
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

18 Let’s hear some examples.

19 Nutrition Test, Part II What did you have for breakfast
this morning? Write this on a sheet of paper.

20 Nutrition Test: Part III How many teaspoons of sugar are in a can of soda?

21 There are at least 9 teaspoons
of sugar in a can of soda!

22 Nutritional Guidelines
Choose My Plate

23 Half of the plate should be covered with vegetables and fruit. One fourth should be whole grains Less than one fourth should be protein Include dairy products

24 Avoid Addictions Smoking Alcohol Drugs

25 Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

26 Smoking is promoted to make money for the tobacco companies

27 Smoking has always played a leading role in movies and TV shows

28 About 480,000 Americans die each year from smoking related illnesses.

29 Imagine 3 jumbo jets each carrying 400 persons crashing each day
Imagine 3 jumbo jets each carrying 400 persons crashing each day. This is how many people die each year from smoking related illnesses.

30 Smoking Is Related to Many Illnesses:
Respiratory System Heart and Circulatory System Strokes Eyes and Vision Cancer Osteoporosis Damages Developing Fetus Facial Wrinkling

31 Increase Your Life by 10 Years:
Refrain from smoking. Maintain a healthy diet. Exercise regularly.

32 Be Careful with Alcohol

33 Responsible Drinking Abuse of alcohol is the number one health problem facing college students today. The leading cause of death among college students is alcohol related car accidents.

34 Some Problems Excessive drinking is a factor in poor college performance and high drop out rates. Heavy drinking causes brain damage and interferes with memory.

35 Women are at greater risk
Women have a higher concentration of alcohol after drinking the same amount as men. There is greater damage to the heart and brain. There is a greater risk of breast cancer. There is a greater chance of being the victim of violent crime.

36 Binge drinking is having too much alcohol in too little time.
Two out of five college students are binge drinkers.

37 Binge drinkers are more likely to:
Be hurt or injured Drive a car after drinking Get in trouble with police Engage in unprotected sex Damage property Fall behind in school work Miss class

38 Moderate Drinking One drink per day for women
Two drinks per day for men

39 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
Legal BAC is .08 How many drinks is .08?

40 BAC Most people reach .05 BAC with one or two drinks.
How much is one drink?


42 BAC .08 driving under the influence .2 a person passes out
.3 a person lapses into a coma .4 death is likely from alcohol poisoning

43 Factors Affecting BAC How rapidly you drink Type of drink
Temperature of drink Food Size and gender Age Ethnicity Other drugs

44 Be Careful with Other Drugs Too
Taking drugs interferes with concentration and memory. Taking drugs interferes with accomplishing your goals and dreams.

45 Is it worth it? Ask yourself these questions:
Are the benefits greater than the problems? Will I experience more pleasure than pain? Will the drug do more harm than good?

46 Get Help if you need it. Family doctor College Health Office
See the Health Section of the College Success Web Site for related links to Alcoholics Anonymous and other suggestions for help.

47 Protect Yourself from Sexual Assault and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)

48 Sexual Assault Between 20-25% of women and 4% of college men report having been sexually assaulted in college. Women years old are at the greatest risk.

49 Reducing Sexual Assault
Risk Factors: Alcohol and drugs “Hooking up” or casual sexual relationships.

50 How can men help? Join organizations such as “Men Can Stop Rape.”
The central message is that men can be strong without being violent.

51 Protect Yourself from AIDS and Other STD’s

52 Let’s Stop for a Game Directions: Walk around the room and have 3 students write their names on your card. I can write my name on your card too.

53 What is AIDS? It is the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
It is the disease you get when HIV destroys the immune system. There is treatment, but no cure.

54 How is AIDS acquired? Sex without a condom
Sharing a needle or syringe to inject drugs Blood transfusions (small risk) Mothers can pass on the virus to their babies

55 Limit Your Risk Use a latex condom Do not share needles
Reduce or eliminate risky behaviors

56 Testing for HIV Contact your College Health Center or local Health Clinic

57 Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)
Clamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Genital Herpes Human Papillomavirus Hepatitis B Trichomoniasis Bacterial Vaginosis

58 STD’s can cause Cancer Impaired fertility Premature birth
Infant fatality Disability

59 STD’S Affect one out of Every 6 Adults.

60 Get Enough Sleep It is important for learning and brain function.
It is important for good health.

61 Lack of Sleep Causes Difficulties with memory and learning
Increased irritability Accidents Illness Lack of energy Stress Faster aging Weight gain

62 Stress and Relaxation

63 Is the removal of all stress helpful?

64 Stress can be motivation.

65 Two Kinds of Stress Distress Eustress BY DR. HANS SELYE

66 Too much stress interferes with learning and study.

67 3 Ways to Deal with Stress
Exercise uses up the stress hormones Use stress reducing thoughts Using mindfulness to relax

68 Make exercise such as a brisk walk for 30 minutes, a part of your daily routine.

69 Find some activity that you like.

70 Stress Reducing Thoughts

71 Stress Reducing Thoughts
Keep cool. It’s not the end of the world. Relax. I don’t have to be perfect. Life’s like that. Life’s too short to be miserable.

72 Exercise: Write at least 3 stress reducing thoughts on the 3 x 5 card.
1. 2. 3.

73 Group Activity: Stress-Reducing Thoughts

74 Mindfulness A relaxation technique that involves being aware of what is going on in a particular moment. Can be used as a quick break from stress.

75 Mindfulness Techniques
Focus on your breathing.

76 Mindfulness Techniques
Notice the details in your surroundings. Take a walk.

77 Mindfulness Techniques

78 Mindfulness Techniques
Make it new. How can you do it differently?

79 Mindfulness Techniques
Mind the gap. Instead of being impatient at a red light, use it as a break from stress.

80 Mindfulness Techniques
Focus on the soles of your feet. Move your toes and breath until you feel calm.

81 Mindfulness Techniques
Focus on your senses. Carefully observe your surroundings including sounds and smell. Make a mental photograph.

82 Imagine yourself in a pleasant place.

83 A Mountain Stream

84 The ocean or beach

85 A Waterfall

86 A Tropical Scene

87 A Desert Scene

88 Make it a Habit Exercise Stress reducing thoughts Mindfulness

89 Stress Management Checklist
Manage your time and organize your things Don’t spread yourself too thin Learn to say “no” Cultivate friends Participate in an extracurricular activity Do something fun every day

90 Stress Management Checklist
Exercise regularly Eat sensibly Get enough sleep Learn to relax

91 Take Action to Reduce Stress
Concentrate your efforts on doing something about the problem. Seek information on how to solve your problem. Make a plan of action. Make it a priority to solve the problem. Do what needs to be done, one step at a time.

92 Write 3 intention statements about relaxation:
I Intend to 1. 2. 3. Complete: What is Your Stress Index?

93 Making Positive Changes in Your Life
Precontemplation-denial or blame it on someone else Contemplation-thinking seriously about taking action Preparation-making a strategy for change Action- just do it Maintenance-keep doing it Termination-no more temptations

94 Keys to Success: Live to be 100

95 At age 122, Jeanne Calment was the oldest person in the world.

96 Jeanne Calment, 122 Took up fencing at age 85 Rode a bike at age 100
Released a RAP CD at age 121 Spirited and mentally sharp Famous for funny saying such as, “I’ve never had but one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it.”

97 Ways to Live to Be 100 If you smoke, make quitting your top priority.
Reduce fats and cholesterol. Do aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times a week. Emphasize fruits and vegetables in the diet.

98 Ways to Live to be 100 Get cancer screening Never go on a fad diet
Eat less meat Get enough sleep Relax Be an optimist

99 Group Activity Brainstorm ways to live to be
100 years old. Write your 5 best ideas on the board.

100 Exercise: Write 3 Intention Statement About Your Health
I intend to. . . Share your ideas

101 Good Health to You!

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