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Stack and Queues Stack implementation using Array

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1 Stack and Queues Stack implementation using Array
Stack implementation using Linked List Queue implementation using Array Queue implementation using Linked List Convert Infix Exp into Postfix Evaluate Postfix Expression

2 Stack using Array Push 10 Push 20 Push 30 Pop Push 50 4 3 30 2 Top 20
Top Top = -1 50

3 const int max=100; void main ( ) { int DATA [max ] ,Top= -1, c ; do clrscr( ); cout << “1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Show\nExit Any other number\n”; cin>>c ; switch ( c ) case 1 : push ( DATA , Top) ; break ; case 2 : pop ( DATA , Top) ; break ; case 3 : show ( DATA , Top) ; break ; } } while(c>=1 && c<= 3);

4 void push ( int Num [ ] , int & Top ) { int item ; //Check overflow condition if ( Top == max – 1 ) cout<<“Overflow “; } else cout << “Enter Item To Push into the stack\n”; cin >> item; Top = Top +1; Num [ Top ] =item; cout<<“Item Inserted “;

5 void pop ( int Num [ ] , int & Top ) { //Check underflow condition if ( Top == – 1 ) cout<<“underflow “; } else cout << Num[ Top ]<<“is to be deleted \n“; Top = Top -1; cout<<“Item deleted “;

6 void show ( int Num [ ] , int Top ) { //Check underflow condition if ( Top == – 1 ) cout<<“underflow “; } else cout << Num[ Top ]<<“Top \n“; for ( i= Top -1; i > = 0 ; i - - ) cout<< Num [ i ] << endl ;

7 char * msg [ ] = {“over flow”, “under flow”};
class Stack { int Top ; int DATA [10]; void error (int e_num) { cout<< msg [e_num ] ; } public: void init () { Top = -1 ; } void Push ( int ); void Pop ( ); }; Define Push which accept an item and insert into stack. Define Pop to delete an item from stack. ( Use error ( ) function for underflow and overflow condition

8 void push ( int Num [ ] , int & Top ) { int item ; //Check overflow condition if ( Top == max – 1 ) cout<<“Overflow “; } else cout << “Enter Item”; cin >> item; Top = Top +1; Num [ Top ] =item; cout<<“Item Inserted “; void Stack :: push ( int item ) { int item ; //Check overflow condition if ( Top == 10 – 1 ) error(0); } else cout << “Enter Item”; cin >> item; Top = Top +1; DATA [ Top ] =item; cout<<“Item Inserted “;

9 void Stack :: pop ( ) { //Check underflow condition if ( Top == – 1 ) cout<<“underflow “; } else cout << DATA[ Top ]<<“is to be deleted \n“; Top = Top -1; cout<<“Item deleted “;

10 Linked List Linked list is a data structure in which an element of list point to another element of list. It is implemented with the help of pointers and self referential structure. Each element ( also called node ) contain two fields : Information part and Pointer. Pointer struct Student { int RollNo; char Name[20] ; Student * link ; } InfoPart Link InfoPart Link InfoPart Link Null

11 Stack Implementation Using Linked List
Stack is a data structure in which top pointer point to top element of stack. It is implemented with the help of pointers and self referential structure. Each element ( also called node ) contain two fields : Information part and Pointer. Top struct Student { int RollNo; char Name[20] ; Student * link ; } InfoPart Link InfoPart Link InfoPart Link Null

12 cout << “1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Show\nExit Any other number\n”;
struct Student { int RollNo; char Name[20] ; Student * link ; } ; student *Top = NULL; void main ( ) int c ; do clrscr( ); cout << “1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Show\nExit Any other number\n”; cin>>c ; switch ( c ) case 1 : push ( ) ; break ; case 2 : pop ( ) ; break ; case 3 : show ( ) ; break ; } } while(c>=1 && c<= 3);

13 Top void push ( ) { //create node Student *ptr ; ptr = new Student ; if ( ptr == NULL ) // checking overflow { cout << “Overflow “ ; return ; } //assigning Values cout << “Enter RollNo “ ; cin >> ptr -> RollNo; cout << “Enter Name “ ; gets( ptr -> Name ) ; ptr - > link =NULL; // Insert Node (Element) if ( Top = = NULL ) { Top = ptr ; } else ptr - > link =Top ; top = ptr ; } Null InfoPart Link Ptr Null Top InfoPart Link InfoPart Link InfoPart Link Null Null Ptr

14 Top void Pop ( ) { student *ptr ; if ( Top = = NULL ) { cout<<“Underflow “ ; } else ptr=top; cout<<ptr->name<<“being deleted”; Top=Top - > link ; delete ptr ; } Null Top InfoPart Link InfoPart Link Null Ptr

15 void Display ( ) { student
void Display ( ) { student *ptr ; if ( Top = = NULL ) { cout<<“Underflow “ ; } else ptr=top; while (ptr!=NULL) cout<<“Name”<<ptr->Name<<“,”<<“RollNo”<<ptr->RollNo; ptr=ptr - > link ; }

16 Convert Infix expression into Postfix expression
Suppose expression X in infix notation and X is to be converted in equivalent postfix expression Y. Put X inside “(“ and “) “ Scan X from Left to Right and follow steps 3 to 6 until X is empty. If an operand is encountered , add it to Y. If an operator is encountered , then Repeatedly pop from STACK and add to Y each operator on the top of the stack which has the same precedence as or higher precedence than operator. Push operator to stack If a right “)” is encountered , then Repeatedly pop from STACK and add to Y each operator on the top of the stack until left “(” is encountered . Remove left “(“ from stack. If a left “)” is encountered , then Push to stack End

17 Convert Infix into Postfix
Exp :- (( X + Y ) / ( Z * Y ) –R) No Ele Action Stack Postfix Exp Y 1 ( Push 2 ( , ( 3 X Add to Y 4 + ( , ( , + 5 Y XY 6 ) Pop + and add, Remove ( XY + 7 / ( , / 8 ( , / ,( 9 Z Add ( , / , ( XY+ Z 10 * ( , / , ( , * 11 ( , / , ( , * XY+ZY 12 Pop * ,Add to Exp , Remove ( ( , / XY+ZY * 13 - ( , - XY+ZY * / 14 R ( , - XY+ZY * / R 15 Pop - ,Add to Exp ,Remove ( Empty XY+ZY * / R -

18 Evaluation of Postfix expression
Suppose expression X in postfix expression. Scan X from Left to Right and follow steps 2 to 4. If an operand is encountered , push on to stack. If an operator is encountered , then Pop two operand from stack (pop one operand for unary operator ) Evaluate expresseion formed by (Operand1) Operator (Operand2). Push the result on to stack If X is empty (no more element) , then pop the resul from stack End

19 Evaluation of Postfix Exp
Ele Action Stack Calculation 1 10 Push 2 3 10 , 3 * Pop 10 , 3 / cal / push Result 30 10*3=30 4 7 30,7 5 30,7,1 6 - Pop 7, 1 / cal / push Result 30, 6 7-1=6 Pop 30 , 6 / cal / push Result 180 30*6=180 8 23 180,23 9 + Pop 180 , 23 / cal / push Result 203 180+23 Ans :- 203

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