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Time -Line Chapters 4-5.

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Presentation on theme: "Time -Line Chapters 4-5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time -Line Chapters 4-5

2 General Instructions Create a DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE to cover the information in the developmental units…Chapters 4-5. Divide continuous computer paper into three even horizontal spaces and include information from the text covering each area at the proper time.

3 COGNITIVE Development
General Instructions Your horizontal spaces will include the following areas. After labeling each area record the appropriate information. SOCIAL Development PHYSICAL Development COGNITIVE Development

4 Prenatal and Newborn Development
Physical Development Record all information that has to do with body development For example: Conception Zygote, Embryo, Fetus Teratogens Reflexes

5 Prenatal and Newborn Development
Social Development Record all items identified as connections to people or care givers… also called attachment Cognitive Development List all things that are about thinking, learning, or mental life…. for example habituation

6 Infancy & Childhood Physical-Maturation Brain Development
Motor Development Cognitive Theories of J. Piaget Theory of Mind Self Concept Attachment theories and theorist Social H. Harlow, M. Ainsworth Parenting Styles

7 Adolescence Physical Development Primary and Secondary Sex
Characteristics Cognitive Development Moral thinking: L. Kohlberg / . Gilligan Social Development E. Ericson ( 8 stages) Identity Individuation

8 Adulthood and Aging Physical Development Changes in Middle Adulthood
Changes in Later Life Life Expectancy Sensory Abilities General Health Dementia and Alzheimer’s

9 Adulthood and Aging Cognitive Development Aging and Memory
Intelligence…….. Crystallized vs. Fluid Intelligence Social Development Midlife Transitions Social Clock Love Work Well-Being Death and Dying

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