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*Read the directions – What is it that you are going to have to DO?

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Presentation on theme: "*Read the directions – What is it that you are going to have to DO?"— Presentation transcript:

1 *Read the directions – What is it that you are going to have to DO?
FIGURING OUT YOUR FIRST BIG ASSESSMENT With your group, “unpack” the embedded assessment on the provided handout. *Read the directions – What is it that you are going to have to DO? *Read the rubric at your table – What will you need to do/include to do a good job?

2 Imagery, Diction, and mood
Creating an effect for the audience

3 Create this chart in your Reader/writer notebook:

4 IMAGERY Vivid description
Uses five senses - details of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound

5 DICTION Specific word choice DENOTATION – the word’s actual definition
CONNOTATION – the feeling the word has (can be positive, negative, or neutral) NUANCE – the subtle difference in word meaning Example: happy and overjoyed

6 MOOD The FEELING the READER gets from a certain passage or piece.

7 Mary Poppins #1


9 Mary Poppins #2


11 How do authors create a mood?

12 Applying it to literature
Go back and look at the poem “Ithaka”. Analyze the poem (break it down into parts) to determine the mood IMAGERY + DICTION + DETAILS + OVERALL MESSAGE Why/how are those words making the reader feel something? Why/how are images/descriptions words making the reader feel something? Why/how are those details making the reader feel something? Why/how does the overall message/theme make the reader feel something?

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