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LECTURE 8: Muscle and Nervous Tissue

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1 LECTURE 8: Muscle and Nervous Tissue

2 What are muscle cells? Sometimes called muscle fibers because of elongated shape Contractile 3 types skeletal smooth cardiac

3 What are the characteristics of Skeletal Muscle Tissue?
Forms muscle that attaches to bone multinucleate Voluntary muscle Contain Striations Light and dark cross-markings Nerve cell sends impulses which causes contraction

4 What are the functions of Skeletal Muscle Tissue?
Body Movement Head Trunk Limbs Facial expressions Write/talk/chew/breath/swallow

5 What are the characteristics of Smooth Muscle Tissue?
Lacks striations Shorter than skeletal Spindle shaped Involuntary Single nucleus Walls of hollow internal organs

6 What are the functions of Smooth Muscle Tissue?
Move food through digestive tract Constrict blood vessels Empty urinary bladder

7 What are the characteristics of Cardiac Muscle Tissue?
ONLY in heart Striated and branched cells Complex networks Single nucleus Involuntary Can contract without nerve impulse Intracalated Disc Junction between cardiac muscle cells

8 What are the functions of Cardiac Muscle Tissue?
Makes up the bulk of the heart Pumps blood through heart chambers into blood vessels Can continue to function without nerve impulses


10 What are the characteristics and functions of Nervous Tissue?
Found in brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves Basic cells called neurons (nerve cells) Very complex network can regulate body functions Neuroglial Cells Very abundant Support/bind components of nervous tissue Carry on phagocytosis Brings nutrients to neurons connecting them to blood vessels

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