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Integrating Quotes in A Research Paper

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1 Integrating Quotes in A Research Paper
Kimberly Livaudais

2 A couple of rules of thumb:
Do not start a paragraph with a quote. Do not end a paragraph with a quote. Use only one or two fairly short quotes per paragraph.

3 Ghost Quotes Never assume your reader knows your sources as well as you do: always provide the context in which a quote appears and explain how the quote ties in with your point. Quotes floating in a paper without proper context and connections with your points are called “ghost quotes”; they do absolutely nothing for your paper except earn you a bad grade. Example: : In his article “The Nature of Serenity,” Theodore Roszak argues that we need to consider ourselves part of the natural environment if we want to keep our sanity. “’Crazy’ is a word freighted with strong emotions” (503) What does the quote have to do with the sentence before it?

4 Formatting the Quote When you quote, you copy passages exactly as they appear in the source, word for word. Quotes are marked with quotations marks. The page reference follows the quotation marks in parentheses; end punctuation goes at the end. If you mention the name of the author in your introduction to a quote, you do not need to repeat it in the parentheses that follow the quote.

5 The ICE Method When including outside sources in your writing, follow the ICE method: I: Introduce C: Cite E: Explain Use this method when inserting direct quotations as well as when you’re paraphrasing or summarizing the ideas of another.

6 Quote Just the Important Information
memorable statements especially clear explanations stated by authorities Studies and statistics that prove your argument controversial arguments in the speaker’s/writer’s own words

7 The Quote "Sandwich" Introduce Cite Explain Provides context
Signals quote is coming "Evidential" transition words help: "for instance," "for example," or "in fact" Cite Succinct Directly relevant to point Include in-text citation Explain Analysis/connecting Sentence(s) Makes connection to significance FOR the reader Moves reader from quote to your own point

8 Tips for Lead In Transition: "in fact," "for example," etc.
If purpose is to enhance credibility (i.e. research), show credibility of source If from a story (ie literary analysis), explain significant context of situation (whatever is necessary to understand quote) Tip: Lead In's can be more than one sentence!

9 List of Signal Phrases acknowledges, adds, admits, affirms, agrees, argues, asserts, believes, claims, comments, compares, confirms, contends, declares, demonstrates, denies, disputes, emphasizes endorses, grants, illustrates, implies, insists, notes, observes, points out, reasons, refutes, rejects, reports, responds, states, suggests, thinks, underlines, writes

10 Ways to Integrate A Quote
Use an introductory phrase, but not a complete sentence, separated from the quote with a comma. The author shows that Demeter is seen as passively responsible for the plants’ growth, saying, “When Demeter felt especially fine, tiny shoots of barley or oats would spring up in the footprints She left” (110).  As Hannah Arendt points out in On Revolution, "we must turn to Roman antiquity to find the first justification of war, together with the first notion that there are just and unjust wars" (12).

11 Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting. Morrison points out that social context prevented the authors of slave narratives “from dwelling too long or too carefully on the more sordid details of the experience” (109). Novelist Michael Chabon maintains that “it is in the nature of a teenager to want to destroy” (314)

12 Use short quotations--only a few words--as part of your own sentence.
As William Kneale suggests, some humans have a "moral deafness" which is never punctured no matter what the moral treatment (93). Thoreau argues that people blindly accept "shams and delusions" as the "soundest truths," while regarding reality as "fabulous“ (83)

13 Quotes from an Indirect Source:
If you quote a source from another source (such as the Annas quote in the Goodman example above), attribute the quote to the person who actually said it and then add qtd. [quoted] to your documentation to alert your reader that you are using an indirect quote, a quote for which you do not have the original citation. Example: In her discussion of human cloning, Goodman quotes ethicist George Annas, who expresses concern that we “are going to custom- make our kids the way we want them to be” (qtd. Goodman 414).

14 The Paraphrase A restatement, in your own words, of a passage of text. Its structure reflects (but does not copy) the structure of the source passage, and may be roughly the same length as the passage, but does not use exact wording. Remember, do not include your own ideas or commentary in the body of the summary or paraphrase. You should introduce a summary or paraphrase, then give your own ideas that show the significance of that summary or paraphrase afterward. You don't want your reader to become confused about which information is yours and which is the source's.

15 Paraphrase Example According to policy in the Student Handbook, Empire State College may take punitive action (including dismissal) against students who act fraudulently. Fraudulent action includes using the words or ideas of others without proper attribution, falsifying documents, or depicting the words of others as one's own (5).

16 Break Down Lead in: For instance Dr. Willy Weather, a weather specialist at Standford University, was quoted saying, Quote: "Sandy has claimed more lives than any of us expected, and seems to be continuing to do so" (72). Analysis/connection: In fact, not only has it surpassed their expectations, but it has caused more deaths than both Hurricane Irene and Katrina.

17 Tie It All In Dr. Willy Weather, a weather specialist at Standford University, was quoted saying, "Sandy has claimed more lives than any of us expected, and seems to be continuing to do so" (72). In fact, not only has it surpassed their expectations, but it has caused more deaths than both Hurricane Irene and Katrina. Author Henry Giroux did extensive research on the child beauty pageant circuit for his article “Child Beauty Pageants and the Politics of Innocence.” He then made this observation when describing the differences in the original beauty pageants and what we see now: “the children in the 1977 pageants wore little-girl dresses and ribbons in their hair; they embodied a child-like innocence in their appearance as they displayed their little girl talents- singing, tap dancing, and baton twirling. Not so with recent pageant shots” (43). That kind of simplicity does not exist in today’s pageant world. Instead, it is a fierce competition for monetary prizes and the “grand supreme” title.

18 Examples of Integrated Quotes
One engineer who figures prominently in all accounts of the 1986 Challenger accident says NASA was “absolutely relentless and Machiavellian” about following procedures to the letter (Vaughan 221). Diane Vaughan cites a shuttle engineer who says NASA was “absolutely relentless and Machiavellian” about following procedures to the letter (221). For Nick, who remarks that Gatsby "turned out all right" (176), the hero deserves respect but perhaps does not inspire great admiration. In Prints as Visual Communication, William Ivins speaks of the “tyranny of the engraver’s nets of rationality” (88) and says that the “webbing of lines [was] an incident of manufacture” (168).

19 Warnings: Note the absence of phrases like, “This quote supports my claims because…” or “Another quote offers a useful contrast with this quote.” These revisions aren’t wasting any words talking about “quotes” or “sources,” just as a good carpenter won’t call attention to nail holes or sawed joints.

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