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The Era of Good Feelings

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1 The Era of Good Feelings

2 Politics After the War of 1812
Who else are you going to vote for? The Dem-Repubs traditionally represented limited gov’t, states' rights, & strict construction But, without Federalist opposition, the Dem-Repubs adopted many traditionally Federalist policies: National economic development A permanent army Transportation improvements A national university in D.C.

3 Henry Clay’s American System
All were proposed by Hamilton & opposed by Republicans in the 1790s 1st significant protective tariff in U.S. history Henry Clay’s American System Jefferson let the charter of the 1st BUS expire in 1811 Henry Clay’s American System in 1816 proposed the creation of: The 2nd Bank of the U.S. to stabilize U.S. currency Tariff of 1816 to promote U.S. industry & limit the importation of British manufactured goods A nat’l system of roads & canals The “American System” helped unify North, South, & West Helped pave the way for future RR construction & western Indian removal

4 Nationalist Foreign Policy
The U.S. will protect Latin American independence When Latin American nations revolted against Spain, the U.S. supported the new republics: European powers disliked these liberal rebellions & were tempted to re-conquer them Monroe Doctrine (1823) warned European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere & the U.S. will not interfere in Europe The U.S. will act independently & will protect its sphere of influence



7 I. The Missouri Compromise
A. Should Slavery expand West? free, 11 slave 2. Missouri wants in 3. Senate unbalance 4. Solution: Two states admitted a. Missouri  slave state b. Maine  free state c. Draw imaginary line: No slavery north of Missouri southern border


9 II. Election of 1824 Currently speaker of the House
A. Battle of favorite sons 1. All Republicans a. Henry Clay b. Andrew Jackson c. John Quincy Adams d. William Crawford 2. Jackson most popular votes a. No electoral college majority b. vote to House of Representatives c. Clay supports Adams Was Monroe’s Secret. Of State Choose b/t top 2: Jackson and Adams

10 1. Clay is longtime rival/enemy of Jackson
B. Corrupt Bargain 1. Clay is longtime rival/enemy of Jackson 2. Throws support to JQ Adams, who wins. Clay then appointed Secretary of State, seen as stepping stone at that time to the Presidency.

11 Conclusions The “Era of Good Feelings” led to:
An improved American economy Better transportation More territory & more clearly-defined borders A foreign policy in Latin America But…sectional problems between the North & South

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