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Learning Community for Research and Publication

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1 Learning Community for Research and Publication
Learnapalooza Learning Community for Research and Publication

2 Learning Communities 1989 - Rosenholtz:
Believed that teachers who felt supported in their own ongoing learning and classroom practice were more committed and effective than those who did not receive such confirmation. McLaughlin and Talbert: Suggesting that when teachers had opportunities for collaborative inquiry and the learning related to it, they were able to develop and share a body of wisdom gleaned from their experience. DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, Many: Educators committed to working together collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research in order to achieve better results for the students they serve. PLC’s operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous, job-embedded learning for educators.

3 Five attributes of professional learning communities:
Supportive and Shared Leadership Collective Creativity Shared Values and Vision Supportive Conditions Shared Personal Practice

4 LC’s at CPCC
Learning communities are groups of professionals that form to learn from one another, solve problems, and share established best practices. Professional learning within communities requires continuous improvement, promotes collective responsibility, and supports alignment of individual, departmental, and College goals. PD credit is given on an hourly basis for every hour dedicated to the individual’s involvement in the LC.

5 LCRP: Learning Community for Research & Publication
Designed for those actively involved in an advanced degree program, searching for that perfect new degree program, or just have a desire to commune with like-minded faculty who value research and publishing.

6 LCRP: Learning Community for Research & Publication
Our Learning Community supports: Faculty and staff who are currently enrolled in graduate programs in their efforts of writing, editing, researching, analyzing data, and/or publishing. Faculty and staff who have finished their degrees and want to continue to research and publish for their professional development and to benefit the College. Faculty and staff who have a desire to learn more about the research and publication process, or who are considering how to evaluate potential degree programs.

7 LCRP: Learning Community for Research & Publication
This group is vibrant and hands-on with discussions, research designs, offering help to read and review manuscripts. LCRP has a Blackboard component so participants can connect with specific resources and post manuscripts. We invite guest speakers who offer related insight on publishing, research, and navigating graduate school. College officials are invited to help us achieve LCRP goals and recognize member achievements.

8 When and Where? LCRP meets on the second Friday of the month from 9:30am-11:00am- Central Campus (unless CPCC is closed). We also utilize WebEx for individuals unable to make it to our face-to- face meeting.

9 Questions? How can we help you?

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