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The Cold War and the Fall of the Soviet Union

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1 The Cold War and the Fall of the Soviet Union

2 Khrushchev ( ) De-Stalinization: focusing on manufacturing, making Russia less of a police state. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD): Both the US and the USSR had the capacity to destroy each other. Decolonization: Western European countries loose their colonies, and they become a new game board for the US and USSR. Berlin Wall: Built in 1961, physical symbol of the Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis: Closest we’ve ever come to nuclear war. Results in USSR pulling out of Cuba, and US pulling out of Turkey. Above: The west side of the Berlin Wall. Left: the “Baby Wall, where people were close enough to see into the other Germany , and would often share news with their families, such as a new baby.

3 Brezhnev and Détente Leonid Brezhnev took power after Khrushchev. He realized that the USSR could not keep wasting their capital building up their military to compete with the US. In turn, American presidents Johnson and Nixon realized they had enough to do with Vietnam. Both sides agreed to a détente, a cooling of tensions. They signed treaties agreeing to limit nuclear weapon productions. At this point, Russia is content. They feel they have caught up with Europe, something they’ve been trying to do since 1700, and that they are a true superpower.

4 The Fall of the USSR: External Pressures
Eastern Europe In 1980, Solidarity founded by Lech Walesa. Strong ties to Catholicism First independent union. In 1981, martial law declared, but in 1989, free elections are held. Inspired other nations. In November 1989, East Germans lobby their government to ease up, results in fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. Fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989

5 Fall of the Soviet Union – External Pressures
United States In 1980, Ronald Regan was elected, promising to restore American prestige in the world. He decide to “race” the USSR militarily. This caused strain that the USSR couldn’t take. Afghanistan: In 1979, the USSR tried to invade Afghanistan, but failed because USA supported rebels. Forced to withdraw in 1988. Soviet troops withdrawing from Afghanistan in 1988.

6 Fall of the Soviet Union – Internal Politics
Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in 1985. Glasnost: Openness Perestroika: Economic Restructuring Februrary1990: Communist Party gives up monopoly of power Many ethnically non-Russian states break away August 1991: Failed Conservative Coup Gorbachev saved by Boris Yeltsin December 31, 1991: End of the Soviet Union Commonwealth of Independent States formed in 1992

7 More on European Integration
In 1973, Britain, Denmark and Ireland join EC. Charles de Gaulle: Leads the Fifth French Republic, opposed to European Integration. 1979: First elections for European Parliament 1992: Maastricht Treaty 1993: Copenhagen Criteria 2007: Treaty of Lisbon

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