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Reasons for the War in Europe

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1 World War I Begins Why does America enter WW I & how does this change the war?

2 Reasons for the War in Europe
Discuss: Give three reasons these nations go to war? Discuss: How was the war fought and why were there so many casualties on both the Western & Eastern fronts?

3 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Most Americans & Pres Wilson want US to stay neutral British navy blockades Germany, Germans respond w/ u-boats 1915: German U-boat sinks the passenger ship Lusitania, Germans back off after Wilson warning Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 1916: Wilson runs for re-election “man who kept us out of war”

4 US Declares War! 1917: Germany brings back unrestricted sub warfare, sinks 3 American ships off British coast Germany asks Mexico to form alliance and attack US President Wilson asks Congress to declare war! April 6th, 1917 – Congress declares war Easy choice for US: 1) Closer political ties to Britain & France 2) Economic ties to Britain & France (loans) – can’t lose investment 3) Protect democracy by beating Germans

5 America Mobilizes 1917: Congress passes Selective Service Act (requires18-30 yr old men to register w/ govt to be randomly selected in a draft) 24 Million register, 3 million drafted, 2 million sent to Europe

6 Fighting “Over There” US to use convoys & mines to stop German U-boats American Expeditionary Force led by Gen. John Pershing, will fight on their own, usually avoid trenches Result: US troops winning major battles, which gives allies physical, moral & financial support

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