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Nationalism and the road to the Great War

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1 Nationalism and the road to the Great War

2 Nationalism What is Nationalism? Nationalism in Germany
A strong feeling of pride and support of one’s country Nationalism in Germany Otto Von Bismarck, Germany’s Chancellor, unified the German states under one government. Builds a large army, thriving on people’s new pride in their nation Germany begins to build an empire, which becomes known as the Second Reich They called it the Second Reich (or empire) because they felt it was the heir to the Holy Roman Empire

3 French Nationalism: Impact of Napoleon
Napoleon creates a French empire and conquers large areas of land in Europe, Africa and Asia Annexed lands along the Rhine River (close to French/German border)for France Began to cause anxiety among the German people, whom now wanted a unified Germany. Then Bismarck unifies Germany some 60 years later Napoleon III takes power in France, and a war breaks out between the unified Germany and France Bismarck quickly defeats the French forces

4 Growing Conflict between France and Germany
France is still angry over the loss of Alsace-Loraine in the Franco-Prussian War French citizens longed for revenge and recovery of the lost lands. Germany grows more proud of its growing industry, military and empire

5 Imperialism and Militarism
Imperial rivalries grow between European nations Competition for colonies brings France and Germany to the brink of war Germany wanted to prevent France from imposing a protectorate on Morocco. A rise in European militaries grows out of the ideas of “Social Darwinism” and survival of the fittest European powers expanded their armies and navies. Fierce competition between German and French navies arises

6 Alliances Issues of trust led countries to join together in order to protect their interests. Bismarck signs treaties with Austria-Hungary, anticipating a French attack Then in 1882, he forms Triple Alliance with Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary During WWI, Austria-Hungary and Germany became the leading nations of the Central Powers France and Britain sign an entente, or an agreement to follow common policies When WWI begins, these will become the Allied Powers

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