Doctrine of Discovery Terra Nullius North West Passage

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1 Doctrine of Discovery Terra Nullius North West Passage
First Contact First Nations meet Europeans Doctrine of Discovery Terra Nullius North West Passage

2 Doctrine of Discovery -15th century belief that: -any land that was uninhabited by Christians was able to be  discovered  claimed  exploited -Non-Christians cannot have title to land (own land) -Indigenous inhabitants would be converted, refusal warranted enslavement or death

3 Terra Nullius What is it? -policy for claiming land What does it mean?
-“land belonging to no one” or “empty land” -take what looks empty BC 1st Nations Context: -sailors see “empty land” and claim sovereignty (Sovereignty: supreme power or authority over a land) King George III of England – instructions for sailors: [Terra Nullius] “if you find the countries so discovered are uninhabited you are to take possession of them for His Majesty by setting up proper marks and inscriptions as first discoverers and possessors”


5 Why North America? -completely unintentional
-Christopher Columbus was searching for India / Asia + the North West Passage -Landed his ship in the Bahamas -called the people “Indians” because:  thought it was India

6 North West Passage What was it:
-myth of a secret trade route to India / Asia Incentive to find it: -drastically decreased travel time -$20,000 for finding it (millions today) Why?: -lucrative trade items / resources (spices, teas, etc)


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