CB4 – Natural Selection & Genetic Modification (p32-38)

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1 CB4 – Natural Selection & Genetic Modification (p32-38)
Selective Breeding (p36) Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (p32-34) How is selective breeding carried out? 1. Decide which ______________are important 2. Choose _____________ that show these characteristics 3. Select the best ____________ from parents to breed the next generation 4. Repeat the process over many ___________ Name an advantage and a disadvantage of selective breeding: What is natural selection? (list 4 bullet points) - What is evolution? How do stone tools provide evidence for human evolution? How does natural selection lead to evolution? How is Darwin’s theory supported by evidence? Classification (p35) Using ‘lion’ as the species, provide an example of each classification stage: 1. Genetic Engineering (higher only) - (p37) Fill in the gaps…. 2. 1. DNA ___________ from desired cell. 2. E_________ cut out desired gene 1. What are the three large groups of domains? - 2. What are the five groups in a kingdom? - 3. Gene inserted into bacteria’s ___________ Lion 4. Bacteria r_________ and a large number of bacteria has the new characteristic

2 CB4 – Natural Selection & Genetic Modification (p32-38)
Selective Breeding (p36) Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (p32-34) How is selective breeding carried out? 1. Decide which ______________are important 2. Choose _____________ that show these characteristics 3. Select the best ____________ from parents to breed the next generation 4. Repeat the process over many generations Name an advantage and a disadvantage of selective breeding: What is natural selection? (list 4 bullet points) - What is evolution? How do stone tools provide evidence for human evolution? How does natural selection lead to evolution? How is Darwin’s theory supported by evidence? characteristics parents Variation Competition Survival of the fittest Passing on genes offspring A gradual change in characteristics of a species over time. Stone tools dates back to about 3.3 million years ago, so scientists can work out the ages of different layers of rock, assuming that the stone tool is equal in age. Advantage: Better characteristics and higher meat yield Disadvantage: Reduces variety in organisms, one disease could wipe all species out, cause health problems By chance, the variations of some individuals make them better at coping with the change than others, and more likely to survive. Classification (p35) Bacteria provide evidence as random mutations develop in their DNA. This causes antibiotic resistant genes to be passed on (natural selection) Using ‘lion’ as the species, provide an example of each classification stage: 1. Eukarya Genetic Engineering (higher only) – (p37) Fill in the gaps…. 2. Animal 1. DNA ___________ from desired cell. removed Vertebrate 2. E_________ cut out desired gene nzymes Mammal Carnivorous Cat 3. Gene inserted into bacteria’s ___________ DNA vector Big Cat Lion 4. Bacteria r_________ and a large number of bacteria has the new characteristic eproduce

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