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Vocabulary in Context, p. 16

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1 Vocabulary in Context, p. 16
New Horizons Vocabulary in Context, p. 16

2 1. constraints – limits placed on someone or something
If you don’t put contraints on your lifestyle, you will not be healthy.

3 2. connotation – the emotional meaning associated with a word, in addition to its literal meaning
The word skinny has a bad connotation, whereas the word slim or thin has a good connotation.

4 3. stands out from the crowd - to be noticed among many
Yao Ming stands out from the crowd, not only because he is 7 ft. 6 in. tall, but also because he is an outstanding basketball player.

5 4. self reliance - independence, self-sufficiency
Living apart from my parents has taught me self reliance.

6 5. aloof – unfriendly, distant, cold, unapproachable
Some people think my friend is aloof, but she is just shy.

7 6. place a premium on - give something a high value
I like the writing in that paper. I only wish more of it had been yours. As an instructor, I place a premium on honesty and effort.

8 7. saw something through - to continue doing something until it is finished
When you finish My Writing Lab, you will be happy you saw something through.

9 8. lay our cards on the table - to be honest about one’s feelings and/or intentions
Many Americans would be happy to have the opportunity to “lay our cards on the table” and express openly their ideas on health care reform.

10 Sometimes being forthright is offensive.
9. forthright- up-front, outspoken, direct, candid Sometimes being forthright is offensive.

11 10. inclined to – prone to, have a mind to, have a tendency to
Not all Americans are inclined to text message and twitter.

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