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Galapagos Marine Reserve: a demonstration case

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1 Galapagos Marine Reserve: a demonstration case
Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero World Park Congress 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

2 Why Galapagos took part of this international initiative?
A unique opportunity to evaluate for the first time the effective management of this recently created marine protected area. A chance to learn, to exchange experiences and to practice adaptive management. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

3 Galapagos Marine Reserve goal:
24/11/2018 Galapagos Marine Reserve goal: “To protect and conserve the coastal marine ecosystems of the archipelago and its biodiversity for the humankind benefit, the local population, science and education” 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

4 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Overview of the GMR Ecosystem: Strong link between terrestrial and marine environments, currents formed different biogeographic zones, large number of endemic species. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

5 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Overview of the GMR 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

6 How was this project incorparated to our daily routine?
GNPS Director decides to carry out the evaluation. Data available from several ongoing monitoring programs. Technical capacity existing to carry out the evaluation 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

7 Biophysical Indicator
Type and level of fishing effort (B8). Directly tied to management plan objective of maintaining and preserving the populations of fish species important for fishing 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

8 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Governance Indicator Existence of a decision-making and management body (G3) Galapagos Special Law, regulations and Management Plan detail a participatory management process. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

9 Socioeconomic Indicator
Stakeholder knowledge of natural history (S14). management plan speaks increasing the knowledge and understanding of the marine biodiversity, emblematic species and the impact of human activities. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

10 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
What did we do? Internal workshop with the GNPS technical staff Check monitoring programs databases Assign responsibilities Workshops with PMB representatives to present the project and to obtain feedback 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

11 Major challenges of the indicators evaluation
Biophysical: Analyzing a large amount of information. Governance: Trying to attract the attention of a tired audience (stakeholders) Socioeconomic: Analyzing scarce information. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

12 Major benefits of measuring the indicators
Able to measure if we were meeting key objectives of Management Plan. Tendencies of relevant aspects of the Protected Area identify. Doing adaptive management? 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

13 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Key lessons learned Fisheries monitoring need strengthening to generate more defendable results in face of fisher pressure. Governance system is being adopted by stakeholders, reducing conflict. Vitally important to change the current education and communication strategy of GNPS and CDF. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

14 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Next Steps Staff changes require transfer of knowledge Data and knowledge management system that transcends personnel changes Partners have incorporated needs into funding proposals 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

15 How can we internalized the process?
The only way to internalized the process is to support the GNPS to implement the subprogram for evaluation and monitoring contained in the management plan. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

16 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Final message Adaptive management practice is the better way to improve the management of your MPA. This practice creates tools to develop new funding strategies. The effective implementation of the guidebook will enhance the analytical skills of MPA local practitioners. The guidebook was very useful to guide the local technicians during the evaluation process. 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

17 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador
Modelo Tradicional Ministra peticiones de Influencias poíticas Pliego Amenazas Económicas Comisiones y Usuario Usuario 24/11/2018 Manuel Bravo & Pablo Guerrero Ecuador

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