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Golden Rule Silver Rule.

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Presentation on theme: "Golden Rule Silver Rule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Golden Rule Silver Rule

2 Golden Rule: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.
Silver Rule: Treat others the way that they would like to be treated.

3 What type of environment helps you learn?

4 The Pros and Cons of Roman Expansion
Look over the T-chart on Roman Expansion. On top of the T-chart write “Yes” or “No” for “Yes” you do support Roman Expansion or “No” you do not support Roman Expansion. Highlight 3 reasons to support your opinion on the T-chart.

5 After Roman Expansion:
Rome experienced social unrest and civil war. Generals fought Roman generals Mobbed controlled the streets. A series of leaders took control of the Rome, the most famous being Julius Caesar.

6 Identify Julius Caesar and his legacy
Today’s Objectives: Identify Julius Caesar and his legacy Analyze quotes by Caesar to make inferences about his persona and realm of influence


8 What do you know about … Julius Caesar?

9 Suetonius, Da Vita Caesarum, Divus Iulius , paragraph XXXII
Iacta alea est The die is cast. ~Julius Caesar, Suetonius, Da Vita Caesarum, Divus Iulius , paragraph XXXII

10 Julius Caesar Born in 100 B.C.E. to a patrician family
Served several different political roles 60 B.C.E. - made a deal with Pompey and Crassus and they helped him get elected to consul: First Triumvirate

11 Became a general and led the Roman army to fight the Gauls (France) for several years
Came back and crossed the Rubicon River with his army - Treason! Started a civil war: Caesar vs. Pompey Julius Caesar

12 Caesar won and declared himself dictator for life and ended the Roman Republic
Marked the beginning of the Roman Empire Was told by a fortuneteller to “Beware the Ides of March” Caesar was stabbed 23 times by the Senators and died on March 15, 44 B.C.E.

13 Before Caesar was assassinated, he adopted his great-nephew Octavian who became the first emperor of Rome. He became known as Augustus Caesar.

14 Legacy of Julius Caesar
Roman Calendar (added three months) Month of July Treatment of conquered peoples Leadership ability Creating a time of political stability in Rome Social Reforms

15 Slip Write two new things you learned about Julius Caesar today on the back of your graphic organizer. Hand in to me before you leave class

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