2nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

2 What is a “militia?”

3 A militia is a small volunteer military force made up of people who are not professional soldiers. They have other occupations such as farming, etc., but are available when called upon. (ie. Minutemen)

4 What constitutes “arms?”
The word “arms” meant weapons of any kind at the time of the crafting of the 2nd amendment, but today it typically refers to firearms.

5 Firearms of the time were single shot muzzle loaders (muskets)
Firearms of the time were single shot muzzle loaders (muskets). An experienced user might be able to get off three shots in one minute.

6 Today’s arms are much different
The number of shots are only limited by how fast the user can squeeze the trigger and the size of the magazine.

7 Gun terminology Semi-automatic – one trigger pull = one shot.
Automatic – one trigger pull = unlimited shots (illegal for civilian use). Muzzle loader – must be reloaded after each shot.

8 Magazine (also called a clip)

9 Access to firearms Limited by age (18) No felonies
No history of mental illness (however, there is no verification of this due to doctor-patient confidentiality). The gun dealer simply asks the buyer to answer the question.

10 Parkland High School

11 Las Vegas Concert

12 Kalamazoo Uber Driver Killings

13 Sandyhook Elementary

14 Batman movie theater killings

15 Virginia Tech Shooting

16 Columbine Shootings

17 All of these mass murders were committed by someone with mental illness (or a perceived score to settle).

18 Why was the 2nd Amendment added to the Constitution?
At the time many people lived on the frontier where there were often conflicts with Native Americans or other European nations with competing land claims. Militiamen were expected to use their own arms when called upon. There wasn’t much a police force at the time, especially on the frontier. More people had to hunt for their food back then. Do these factors still apply today? These factors are not as prominent today, but many argue that the 2nd amendment was also put in place so that citizens could defend themselves against an oppressive government. An armed populace would discourage a government from becoming tyrannical.

19 So What’s the Solution?

20 Should the 2nd amendment be interpreted differently today?
How can we restrict access to firearms for the mentally ill without violating doctor-patient confidentiality? Would the 2nd Amendment read the same today if the founding fathers knew of semi-automatic weapons and these mass killings?

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