CSC Classes Required for TCC CS Degree

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1 CSC Classes Required for TCC CS Degree
Programming (C++) CSC110  CSC201  CSC210 Hardware CSC110  CSC205  CSC215 Two "tracks" for the CS classes. (Both required.) One is programming related and the other more focused on the hardware aspects of Computer Science.

2 CSC110 – Introduction to Computing
Introduces problem solving through computer applications and a programming language. Examines development of computers, and properties of programming languages. Covers input, storage, data manipulation, software and hardware. Sets the groundwork for the rest of the Computer Science program with a foundation in both hardware and C++ programming.

3 CSC201 – Computer Science I
Introduces algorithm and problem solving methods. Emphasizes structured programming concepts, elementary data structures and the study and use of a high level programming language. Builds on the C++ material covered in CSC110 with more complex problems and programming skills.

4 CSC210 – Programming in C++
Includes language syntax, problem solving techniques, top-down refinement, procedure definition, loop invariance, theory of numerical errors and debugging. Covers the syntax of the C++ language. Expands on CSC201. Focuses on the Object Oriented aspects of C++.

5 CSC Classes Required for TCC CS Degree
Programming CSC110  CSC201  CSC210 Hardware CSC110  CSC205  CSC215

6 CSC205 – Computer Organization
Examines the hierarchical structure of computer architecture. Focuses on multi-level machine organization. Uses a simple assembler language to complete programming projects. Includes processors, instruction, execution, addressing techniques, data representation and digital logic. Expands on the hardware aspects from CSC110, including low level hardware building blocks. (flip-flops, circuits, etc…) Also delves into machine and assembly language programming.

7 CSC215 – Advanced Computer Organization
Examines advanced topics in Computer Science such as I/O methods, virtual memory, disk management and operating systems. Looks at computer architecture and design aspects of hardware. (e.g., CPU Instruction Sets, CPU Pipelines, Memory and Cache Architectures, etc.)

8 AS: Computer Science (Year 1)

9 AS: Computer Science (Year 2)

10 Elective tips for those transferring to ODU
** Based on current ODU catalog and transfer practices. **

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