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Cold War.

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1 Cold War

2 Cold War Period of distrust and misunderstanding between the Soviet Union and its former allies (particularly the U.S.) and began in 1945

3 Two Superpowers Soviet Union – believed a powerful central government should control the economy United States – believed that businesses should be privately owned with little government control

4 US vs USSR Each side thought the other was trying to rule the world
Both countries had the power to influence world events Other countries around the world took sides Became about Communism or capitalism

5 After World War II Stalin, the leader of the USSR, put most of Eastern Europe under communist control This becomes the Eastern Bloc

6 Iron Curtain The division between West Europe and East Europe is known as the Iron Curtain

7 Division of Germany Divided into four sections – U.S. , Great Britain, France and Soviet Union 1948 – western countries want to reunite Germany, Soviet Union did not Soviets declared their section “ East Germany” Western countries united Germany to form “West Germany”

8 New Alliances Formed NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
United States Canada United Kingdom Western European Countries WARSAW PACT Soviet Union Eastern European Countries


10 Berlin Wall 1961 – Communist leaders built the Berlin Wall
Built to keep two areas apart and keep people in East Germany and out of West Germany Anyone who tried to cross the wall would be shot


12 End of Cold War and Fall of Soviet Union
Soviet Union was spending a lot of money putting down revolts in their country 1985 – Gorbachev Leader of Soviet Union Reduced government control and increased citizen’s rights November 1989 – Berlin Wall was torn down Germany began to reunite 1990 – Germany was totally reunited Soviet Union broke up into many smaller countries Largest country established was Russia

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