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Chapter 41: Animal Nutrition

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1 Chapter 41: Animal Nutrition

2 What you need to know: Major compartments of alimentary canal (organs) – and their contributions to animal nutrition. Digestive glands: salivary, pancreas, liver, gall bladder – and their contributions to animal nutrition. Digestion of carbs, proteins, fats, nucleic acids.

3 Essential Nutrients: required by cells, obtained through food
Four classes of essential nutrients: Essential _____________ acids (8) Essential _____________ acids Vitamins (13) - fat-soluble, water-soluble ____________________

4 Table 41.1 Vitamin Requirements of Humans

5 Table 4.2 Mineral Requirements of Humans

6 Dietary Deficiencies Undernourished: diet is deficient in calories, __________________________________ Malnourishment: missing ______________________________________ Herbivore licks exposed salts and minerals lacking in plants.

7 The main stages of food processing:
Ingestion: _________________ ________________: breakdown of food into small molecules ________________ (chewing, grinding) Chemical (___________________) Absorption: cells take up ______________ ______________________: pass undigested materials from digestive system


9 Digestive Compartments
Most animals process food in specialized compartments Intracellular: digestion of food ____________ cells by food vacuoles Ex. ______________, pinocytosis, ________ Extracellular: food broken down ______________ of cells Gastrovascular cavity (simple) or alimentary canal (complex)

10 Intracellular Digestion: Sponges

11 Extracellular Digestion
Compartments are outside of the animal’s body _______________________: simple animals; __________-opening, ______________ digestion (food in, waste out) Digestion in a hydra

12 __________________ canal: more complex, _________________ tubes with mouth and anus

13 Specialized organs for digestion in Humans
Digestive system = alimentary canal + ________ Glands = salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder Q: Can you name the organs of the human alimentary canal in order?


15 __________________: push food through rhythmic contractions of muscles in the wall of the canal
__________________: valves regulate the movement of material between compartments Digestion of Macromolecules: Mouth = __________ (amylase) Stomach = _____________ (pepsin) Small Intestine = ________________________ _______________________________________

16 Digestion in the Mouth Oral cavity: mechanical, chemical digestion
Salivary glands: saliva _______________ food Teeth chew food into smaller particles ____________________________: breakdown ___________________ polymers Saliva contains ____________, a viscous mixture of water, salts, cells, and glycoproteins Pharynx: back of throat Epiglottis: flap of cartilage, covers trachea when swallowing Esophagus: food tube (pharynx  stomach)


18 Digestion in the Stomach
The stomach stores food and secretes ____________________, which converts a meal to acid _______________ ______: pH 2, kills _______________ & _____________________ proteins ______________: enzyme (protease) that hydrolyze proteins into smaller peptides Pepsinogen (inactive)  pepsin (active) by HCl ____________: protects lining of stomach Gastric ulcers: lesions in the lining, caused mainly by bacterium Heliobacter pylori


20 Digestion in the Small Intestine
SI = major organ of _________________ and ______________________ _____________________: first section, digestive juices, major chemical digestion Digestive juices: Pancreas: bicarbonate (________), trypsin & chymotrypsin (_____________); lipase (_____); amylase (____________); nuclease (_____________________) Bile: made in ___________, stored in ______________________________ Emulsify fats (make smaller droplets)


22 Hormones that coordinate digestion:
Gastrin: produced by _________________, production of gastric juices Entrogastrin: produced by _____ (duodenum), peristalsis to allow time for fat digestion Secretin & CCK (cholesystokinin): secreted by SI (duodenum), flow of digestive juices from pancreas & gall bladder

23 Absorption in the Small Intestine
Villi and microvilli _____________________

24 Villi  capillaries  hepatic portal vein  liver  heart
Liver: distribute nutrients, __________, glucose storage (_____________________)

25 Absorption in the Large Intestine
LI = _____________ Function = compact waste, ______________________ ____________: pouch where SI & LI meet, ferment plant material __________________ = extension of cecum, role in immunity _________________: end of LI, feces stored until elimination

26 Evolutionary adaptations of vertebrate digestive systems correlate with diet
Dentition: _________ correlate with _________ Herbivores: longer alimentary canal, longer cecum

27 Mutualistic Adaptations
Many herbivores have fermentation chambers, where mutualistic microorganisms digest cellulose (ruminants)

28 Homeostatic Mechanisms
Vertebrates store excess calories as _______________ in the __________ and muscle cells, and as _____ in _____________ tissue Overnourishment can lead to ______________ _____________: hormone, suppresses appetite

29 Glucose Homeostasis Stimulus: Stimulus: Pancreas secretes ___________
Breakdown _____________ & release _____________ into bloodstream Pancreas secretes ___________

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