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Aim: What was the most significant event leading up to the Civil War?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What was the most significant event leading up to the Civil War?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What was the most significant event leading up to the Civil War?

2 REMEMBER: the RESULTS of the Dred Scott case
The case was a major reason for the Election of anti-slavery candidate ABRAHAM LINCOLN The case had a profound impact on America, and is commonly know as one of the most infamous cases in Supreme Court History... NEXT UP: The CIVIL WAR!

3 Lincoln – Douglas Debates 1858
The race for the Illinois senate! Stephen Douglas – incumbent Senator Abraham Lincoln – Congressman Lincoln challenges Douglas to debates about slavery Slavery was a “MORAL, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL WRONG” Slavery solved with POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY

4 Significance? Lincoln makes a name for himself! Eventually…

5 John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
While you watch: What happened at Harper’s Ferry? Was it successful? VIDEO John Brown violent abolitionist In 1859 he planned to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA Wanted to arm enslaved African- Americans and lead a rebellion Brown was captured and hanged for TREASON! Significance? Increased tensions between the North and South South’s worst fear – armed slaves!

6 John Brown during his trial...
“Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood…with the blood of many in the slave of the country whose rights are disregarded by wicked cruel, and unjust enactments. I say, let it be done.”

7 Who Joined Brown and What Happened to Them?
John H. Kagi – killed during raid John Cook – escaped during raid, later captured and executed. Dauphin Thompson – killed during raid

8 Who Joined Brown and What Happened to Them?
Dangerfield Newby (an escaped slave) killed during raid Sheridan Leary (an escaped slave) killed during raid William Thompson – killed during raid

9 Who Joined Brown and What Happened to Them?
Osborn Perry Anderson (free African) - escaped during raid and never captured Steward Taylor – killed during raid - John C. Copeland (free African American) – captured, imprisoned, and later executed - Jeremiah Anderson – killed during raid

10 The Election of 1860 Four Candidates!
Abraham Lincoln – Republican Stephen Douglas – Northern Democrat John C. Breckinridge – Southern Democrat John Bell – Constitutional Union Party Lincoln is clear winner of electoral college BUT, popular vote is VERY different Who wins? Lincoln! Why?

11 The South was MAD at the election results,
and how do you think they reacted? “The excitement was very great. Everybody was talking at the same time...The stake is life or death – No doubt of it.” – a South Carolina woman after Abraham Lincoln won the Election of 1860 To people in the south, Lincoln’s election mean that the South NO LONGER had a VOICE in the United States government! Believed Lincoln and Congress were set against SLAVERY!

12 THIS is the moment when the Civil War begins!
Southern Secession! In response to Lincoln’s election, the southern states began to secede (leave the US) South Carolina first! They form the Confederate States of America – a separate country! President = Jefferson Davis Lincoln’s response? Southern states did not have a right to secede so he must protect the union (USA). THIS is the moment when the Civil War begins!

13 AIM: How did the Civil War begin and which side had the greatest advantage?

14 THE CIVIL WAR 1861–1865

15 WHERE did the Civil War BEGIN?

16 Fort Sumter (1861) THE CIVIL WAR BEGAN!
South Carolina Fort Sumter (1861) The first shots fired at Fort Sumter In the early morning of April 12, 1861, the Confederates launched an attack on the Union fort The Confederacy continued its attack with a lot of gunfire, and the Union troops in the fort surrendered a day later. THE CIVIL WAR BEGAN!

17 Get out North! This is SOUTHERN territory now!

18 I need 75,000 militiamen to report for duty NOW!
The South is in REBELLION. . . I need 75,000 militiamen to report for duty NOW! What was Lincoln’s reaction to the attack on Fort Sumter? The CIVIL WAR BEGINS!

19 What uniforms did they wear?
At the beginning of the Civil War, states provided uniforms to soldiers; and the uniforms were in a variety of colors. This led to massive confusion on the battlefield, and often soldiers fired on their own men. Union/USA Confederates

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