Supporting Your Child with Reading

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Your Child with Reading"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Your Child with Reading
Parents Meeting 4th December 9am Reading to Learn Welcome Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

2 Supporting your Child’s Reading Development
Facts about Reading Reading is a vital life skill in our society Reading is not easy to learn or to teach- it is a complex set of skills Reading is needed for all areas of learning in school Reading is not just using phonics to decode words Reading can enrich your life and imagination- not just your knowledge, understanding and vocabulary Children who can read well have higher self esteem Reading leads to a natural progression into writing Life Skill? Imagination? Natural progression into writing?

3 Central to all of it is a love for reading and that starts early
Central to all of it is a love for reading and that starts early. Babies love books!


5 How we teach reading at school
Time to love books (book areas, library, time to read and browse through books, book swap shop) Through all curriculum areas Guided reading sessions Teachers read aloud to children-class text Power of Reading DEAR/quiet reading sessions Games/ resources/ activities Shared reading and text analysis sessions Accelerated reading programme Reading comprehension Book Week/Author visits/Author Focus Interventions when necessary

6 How to help your child at home
Video demonstrations Questions and Comments

7 What can parents do? With children of all ages there are things parents can do to help ALL children to be the best readers they can be: * Read to your child * Listen to story CDs/ MP3s – in the car or at home * Let your child see you reading for fun and function * Talk about stories * Tell your child stories * Read lots of different types of things- news papers, magazines, recipes, online books, maps, cereal boxes, kindles, print in the environment etc etc etc…..and books! * Listen to your child read their reading book and return it on time * Go to the library * Play the games and use the suggested websites Talk about what you read, get your children to read to younger/older siblings as an exert

8 Using the internet to support your child’s reading There are many free resources and games on the web….

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