ERA-NET Plus Infravation

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Presentation on theme: "ERA-NET Plus Infravation"— Presentation transcript:

1 ERA-NET Plus Infravation
Trondheim October 24, 2013 Peter Wilbers, Coordinator Infravation Richard van der Elburg, Call manager Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijkswaterstaat

2 Infravation Call ERA-Net Plus Infravation Announc. Evaluation
EC Grant agreement Payments Reporting Dissemination Project management Infravation Call Announc. Evaluation Selection Negotiation Monitoring

3 ERA-NET Plus Infravation
European Research Area Network EC instrument for enhancing Europe’s competitiveness in research area Pooling scarce resources Transnational calls for tenders + proposals ERA-NET Plus (EN Plus) Financial top-up by EC: ½ of country contributions Consortium of 5 countries/regions minimum One large call for proposals EU project Proposal submission/evaluation/negotiations Grant Agreement (GA) with EC Compliance to FP7 rules

4 Consortium Rijkswaterstaat/NL (coordinator) TÜV Rheinland/DE
FEHRL (representing USA) BMVBS/DE Danish Road Directorate/DK Trafikverket/SE Norwegian Public Roads administration/NO Icelandic Road Administration/IS MEDDE/FR CDTI/ES ANAS/IT Israelian National Transport Infrastructure Company/IL

5 Geographical coverage

6 Characteristics EN Plus Infravation
EN Plus: financial top-up EC to research projects Real common pot, treated as one uniform budget Money is allowed to cross borders Applicants from non-funding EU countries can apply too Central negotiation, funding + monitoring (through Rijkswaterstaat) Country contributions 100% spent to research projects

7 Structure EN Plus Infravation

8 Structure EN Plus Infravation

9 Topics: 1st level of scoping
EN Plus SST call text: Advanced systems, materials and Techniques for next generation infrastructure Surface transport Road infrastructure

10 Topics: 2nd level of scoping
Infravation proposal: 7 challenges Eco-design; resource and energy efficiency in road construction and maintenance Virgin material reduction by substitution or recycling Enhanced durability and life-time extension Rapid and non-destructive methods for routine quality and performance checks of materials and construction Keeping freight routes open through zero-intrusive maintenance Ensuring infrastructure performance under all weather conditions Advanced predictive infrastructure performance processes

11 Topics: 3rd level of scoping
Workshops in participating countries/regions Scanning tours, e.g. in US Scoping team/scoping study Team of experts Narrowing down, defining and detailing specific topics Output Contents for Guide for Applicants Infravation call Delivery report background info, also for evaluators

12 To be launched by EN Plus Infravation
Infravation Call To be launched by EN Plus Infravation

13 Infravation Call ERA-Net Plus Infravation Announc. Evaluation
EC Grant agreement Payments Reporting Dissemination Project management Infravation Call Announc. Evaluation Selection Negotiation Monitoring

14 Call budget Country/region contribution 6,350 MEURO
EC top-up 2,675 MEURO* Total ,025 MEURO * US contribution will not be topped-up by EC. Therefore EC contribution is a bit less than ½ of country contributions

15 Time schedule (preliminary)
Open call for (light) proposals January-March 2014 First level evaluation Evaluation of light proposals until Decision of the Steering Group on selection of light proposals until May 2014 Call for full proposals (on invitation only) Invitation to submit full proposals until Deadline to submit full proposals July 2014 Second level evaluation (international peer review) Remote evaluation period International peer review (2 presence days) Selection of projects for funding and invitation to negotiation September 2014 October 2014 Negotiation of grant agreements November April 2015 Start of transnational projects January 2015-May 2015 End of transnational projects (project duration is 30 months max.) Until end 2017 Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start

16 Call launch Infravation webpage Webpages and partner magazines
Publication Infravation webpage Webpages and partner magazines Webpages of EC, NCP, ETNA International magazine Brokerage event… Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start 16

17 Information & Brokerage Event
General event -> January 2014 Size participants Supported by ETNA Plus (European Transport NCP Alliance). Participation free of charge. Registration via Infravation webpage In addition brokerage event in US Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start 17

18 Guide for Applicants (GfA)
THE TRANS-NATIONAL CALL  Background, Thematic scope, Budget FORMAL CONDITIONS OF THE CALL  Type of research, Type of consortia, Funding rates, Project duration, Project size EVALUATION   Criteria, process, step 1 pre-proposal, step 2 full proposal (international peer review), selection list HOW TO APPLY? TURNING YOUR IDEA INTO AN EFFECTIVE PROPOSAL   CMT (call management tool) and technical assistance CHECK LIST  WHAT HAPPENS NEXT  FURTHER INFORMATION AND HELP Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start 18

19 Call Management Tool (CMT)
2-step submission, 2-step evaluation Pre-proposal submission Full-proposal submission on invitation Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start 19

20 Proposal structure Two parts:
Part A: administrative data; directly in CMT Part B: description of work and the roles of participants in consortium; PDF file to be uploaded to CMT Adapted from FP proposals Smaller number of pages Language English Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start 20

21 Proposal contents (Part B)
1. Scientific and/or technical quality 1.1 Concept and objectives 1.2 Progress beyond the state-of-the-art 1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan 2. Implementation 2.1 Management structure and procedures 2.2 Individual applicants 2.3 Consortium as a whole 2.4 Resources to be committed 3. Impact 3.1 Expected impacts 3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property 4. Ethics Issues 5. Consideration of gender aspects Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start 21

22 Funding Funding rates based on FP7/H2020
Applicants from non-funding countries: max 1/3 of requested project funding Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start

23 Evaluation (1) 1st step: light proposals 2nd step: full proposals
Delegated national experts Relevance + quality (proposal + consortium) Technical capacity + competence applicants Eligibility (financial, legal, complete) 2nd step: full proposals Independent international experts Quality proposals, guided by outcomes scoping study According to ENT Plus criteria Outcome: ranking list proposals Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start

24 Evaluation (2) 2nd step: full proposals
International peer review Remote evaluation through CMT Presence days Lunch-to-lunch meeting Day 1: Group sessions to agree on scores Day 2: Plenary consolidation session Agreement on ranking list for SG Selection list: Steering Group decision Projects for funding (negotiations) To EC (for topping up) Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start

25 Negotiation + monitoring
Negotiation (Rijkswaterstaat) Contract negotiations projects with Coordinators (only from funding countries) Preparation funding contracts Monitoring (Rijkswaterstaat + TUV) Reporting mid + end duration Infravation Monitoring reports by project coordinators Financial and activity-related information Continuous monitoring by Scientific Panel Call Launch CMT + Proposal Evaluation Negotiation Project start

26 Contact
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijkswaterstaat

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