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“Justice” in an Unjust World

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1 “Justice” in an Unjust World
Presented By James T. Bretzke, S.J., S.T.D.

2 Some Negative Starting Premises
Morality is NOT Simply Black & White, Good & Bad, Right & Wrong Morality is NOT Analogous to Mathematics Morality is NOT Simply a Set of Laws Morality is NOT Simply about Judging Others It is NOT Simply a “Culture of Life” vs. a “Culture of Death”

3 An Objective Moral Order?

4 Post-Modern Ethical Theories
How to determine an “objective moral order” apart from concrete context? Determinism (e.g. B.F. Skinner) Ideological and/or Power Critique Emotivism Relativism, cultural or otherwise Egoism (e.g., Ayn Rand)

5 Concern over Moral Relativism

6 Utilitarianism/Consequentialism
Moral rectitude is discerned in answering the basic question of what constitutes the greatest good for the greatest number Act utilitarianism Rule utilitarianism Consequentialism looks at the consequences primarily for analysis of moral rectitude

7 The Downside to the Utilitarian Principle

8 Types of Justice Legal Justice (rule of law)
Communitarian (relations of individuals to one another in human society) Distributive (relation of the whole to the individual parts) Retributive Justice (lex talionis: Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth) Restorative Justice


10 Metrics of “Equality”?

11 Political Liberal Theories of Justice
E.g., John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice Justice as “Fairness” “Original Position” & “Veil of Ignorance” “Fairness” as an American Fundamental Value “Due Process ” as an American Root Paradigm

12 Does “Equality” = “Justice”?

13 Justice in Catholic Virtue Ethics
One of the cardinal virtues (along with temperance, fortitude & prudence) Key relation is to prudence, which in turn gives form to charity Justice as a character trait, individually & communally Justice as related to God’s righteousness

14 Biblical View of Justice
The starting position is not fair God is not removed in abstract impartiality God is for those who are weak, at risk, or who are victims of injustice Biblical justice is marked by care for God’s favorites And a restoration of God’s creative design

15 The Common Good Notion of “goods” in Catholic moral thought
Related to “nature” with both teleological and deontological aspects Common good recognizes our social nature and God’s intention for all of creation Stewardship and responsibility are key aspects of living out the common good

16 Justice as Inclusive Liberation

17 Moving to Ethical Application
Constructing The Moral Triangle

18 Issues Angle Judgment Angle Application Angle

19 Issues Angle Relevant Features Assumptions
What are the assumptions brought to the issue? What are all the morally relevant features of this issue? How do these intersect to frame the issue? How will this frame connect to moral judgment?

20 Issues Angle Relevant Features Assumptions
Are the assumptions narrowly or broadly focused? Do they open up or close off further discussion? What morally relevant features are decisive? What features are considered irrelevant? Is the issues angle too broad or narrow?

21 What are the relevant moral principles operative in this issue?
How are these principles grounded and established? What truth claims are connected to these principles? How are these truth claims verified and validated? How will the judgment angle connect to application? Moral Principles Judgment Angle Truth Claims

22 The same questions can be addressed to the judgment angle
Are several moral principles operative in this issue? Or does it seem to be only a single principle issue? How are potential conflicts among the principles resolved? What truth claims are connected to these principles? Which of the moral sources are used to verify the truth claims? Moral Principles Judgment Angle Truth Claims

23 What are the primary and secondary goals hoped for in the response?
How are the strategies devised to reach these goals? How do these goals and strategies relate back to the Issues and Judgment Angles? Strategies employed Goals desired Application Angle

24 Is the Application Angle likewise too narrow or too broad?
Are there several goals involved, or just one or two? How is the hierarchy of values of the goals judged? How are the strategies devised to reach these goals? Is there room for gradualism and/or compromise? Strategies employed Goals desired Application Angle

25 Issues Angle Judgment Angle Application Angle Assumptions Features Our
Moral Triangle Principles Needs All 3 Angles Strategies To Be Well Constructed Truth Claims Goals Judgment Angle Application Angle

26 Three Legs of Moral Discernment
Openness to God’s Spirit Individual Effort Community Discussion

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