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Management of HAVS – A Contractors View

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1 Management of HAVS – A Contractors View
Veronica Robins, Health & Wellbeing Manager

2 Change in approach Two cases of HAVS reported to HSE under RIDDOR
Summer 2015 HSE investigation

3 Existing procedures Health surveillance HAVS RAs
Trigger times logged for all Regular TBTs

4 Inspector’s comments HAVS RAs
Existing – only indicated max trigger times for tools Estimating in advance (Proactive monitoring) total points for task before work commences Include K Factor data

5 Inspector’s comments Trigger times – why?
NO LEGAL REQUIREMENT for continual monitoring & recording of trigger times ‘Reactive’ monitoring

6 HSE inspectors commonly come across companies that are engaged in routine continual monitoring or logging of workers’ hand-arm vibration exposure (eg using log books, in-line electrical or pneumatic timers or more sophisticated electronic timers and wearable timers). The following Q&A for employers addresses why HSE advises that such monitoring is unlikely to be necessary.

7 1) Must I continually monitor workers’ exposure to vibration?
No. There is no legal requirement for continual monitoring and recording of vibration exposure. To do so is probably not a good use of your or your employees’ time, unless there are very specific circumstances.

8 Procedural changes Proactive monitoring Task RA HAVS RA
Eliminate risk or reduce to ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ HAVS RA Calculate in advance K factor

9 HAVS – Risk Assessment

10 K Factor – what is it? Vibration Magnitude:
Suppliers should report two values, a and K a = measured level (under factory conditions) K = the uncertainty (allows for error in measurement or variation during production) No K factor information available? Use 1.5m/s2

11 HAVS – K Factor

12 HAVS – K Factor

13 HAVS – K Factor  

14 HAVS – K Factor

15 Monitoring of Trigger Times
No longer a mandatory requirement for all However required: to assist with HAVS RA (initial checks to ensure estimates are accurate) when workers on restricted points for medical reasons.

16 Summary Focus on proactive monitoring
Eliminating or reducing risk to ALARP in task RA Conduct HAVS RA in addition to task RA with estimated exposure time Use K Factor for Vibration Magnitude Continual monitoring of trigger times no longer mandatory for all – decided on site by site basis

17 Summary Discuss HAVS at Pre-start meetings with
contractors. Monitor methodology, selection, use & maintenance of tools, training, health surveillance etc Health surveillance & records kept Information, instruction & training

18 Questions

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