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Neuro-ophthalmology: part 3, crainial nerves david.

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Presentation on theme: "Neuro-ophthalmology: part 3, crainial nerves david."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neuro-ophthalmology: part 3, crainial nerves david. kinshuck@goodhope
Neuro-ophthalmology: part 3, crainial nerves Ocular cranial nerve problems…main points …can’t discuss all points in time allowed Present…a few questions as we go 2 tiny quizes 23/11/2018

2 Anatomy Nuclei of oculomotor nerve Trochlear nucleus Pons
Fourth ventricle Abducent nucleus Vestibular nucleus Medial longitudinal fasciculus 23/11/2018

3 Anatomy 5th 3rd 6th 4th 23/11/2018

4 Anatomy cont a c b d 23/11/2018

5 Anatomy cont 3rd 5th 4th 6th 23/11/2018

6 Case 1 What is happening? 23/11/2018

7 Case 1 animation 23/11/2018

8 3rd nerve palsy All recti except superior oblique and lateral rectus paralysed Pupil fixed and dilated Different types of 3rd nerve palsy..can localise lesion.. Eg elderly patients, diabetic, pupil spared: vascular lesion of nerve itself 23/11/2018

9 3rd nerve palsy 23/11/2018

10 Case 2 animation animation 23/11/2018

11 Case 2 animation animation 23/11/2018

12 Case 2 which eye is affected? 23/11/2018

13 Case 2 cover test Which eye is affected? 23/11/2018

14 4th nerve palsy Superior oblique palsy, right: vertical diplopia

15 4th nerve palsy Superior oblique palsy, left: vertical diplopia

16 Case animation animation 23/11/2018

17 Case 3 23/11/2018

18 6th nerve palsy Right Lateral rectus palsy 23/11/2018

19 6th nerve palsy Which lateral rectus palsy? left

20 Quiz Cases…diff diagnosis and why
Age 20, road accident last week, vertical diplopia..diagnosis, & how do you diagnose it? Diplopia…horizontal…as shown here Age 70y, ptosis, diplopia (divergent) pupil OK, sudden onset 23/11/2018

21                                             5th nerve damage Test How? 23/11/2018

22 5th nerve damage Test Sensation in all 3 regions motor..clench teeth
                                            5th nerve damage Test Sensation in all 3 regions motor..clench teeth 23/11/2018

23 5th nerve damage Lesion 4 Name? symptoms Lesion 1 Name? symptoms
                                            5th nerve damage Lesion 4 Name? symptoms Lesion 1 Name? symptoms Lesion 3 Name symptoms Lesion 2 Name symptoms 23/11/2018

24                                             5th nerve damage Orbital floor fracture (trauma)…numb beneath eye, diplopia Vth sensation reduced Pain and temp opposite side (vasc or MS or ca) Lesion 2 Trigeminal neuralgia… Vascular compression Ca …intracranial or Nasopharyngeal 23/11/2018

25 7th nerve palsy Try and think, in pairs, 1 minute Causes Problems
What is the route of the 7th nerve? 23/11/2018

26 7th nerve...landmarks? 1…bends round what? 3 4 2 23/11/2018

27 7th nerve 23/11/2018

28 7th nerve.. landmarks Brain stem… Bends round 6th nerve nucleus
Through facial canal turns 90o just medial to middle ear …styomastoid foramen Brain stem… Bends round 6th nerve nucleus Through parotid Through internal auditory meatus with Vlllth nerve 23/11/2018

29 7th nerve…lesions Ear infections eg. Ramsey Hunt =herpes zoster
=rash on ear drum 6th and 7th lesion.. 7th supplies both side of face Parotid tumour..palpate Vlllth nerve…acoustic neuroma surgery or other SOL 23/11/2018

30 7th nerve palsy lesions Bells palsy, possibly herpes simplex
Ramsay-Hunt with rash: herpes zoster Upper motor neurone…forehead symmetrical 23/11/2018

31 7th nerve palsy Runs over petrous part of temporal bone… 6,7,8th palsy
Herpes zoster: look in ear for vesicles 23/11/2018

32 7th nerve palsy: eye problems
images/nik1.jpg Dry cornea can ulcerate Use fluorescein for examination Lubricate +++ Occasionally suture lids closed. Serious problem for acoustic neuroma patients 23/11/2018

33 Questions 23/11/2018

34 Summary 3rd cranial nerve…aneurysm in young patient
(pupils..covered separately) 4th cranial nerve…vertical diplopia 6th…horizontal diplopia 5th ..unsusual but serious 7th…common, Bells, Ramsey Hunt, acoustic neuroma surgery, dry eye 23/11/2018

35 23/11/2018

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