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Thomas Jefferson and the Election of 1800.

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1 Thomas Jefferson and the Election of 1800.
This one got nasty……good thing we don’t have nasty elections like they did 217 years ago. Otherwise…….sheesh….that would be…..

2 Background. When we last left President John Adams, he was busy trying to defend his “Alien and Sedition Acts” that the Federalist Congress passed in response to the XYZ Affair.

3 Adams is unpopular. If you recall, John Adamsesesseees’ Vice President was Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic Republican. They used to be BFF’s. Now, Jefferson is going to run against Adams for the Presidency in 1800.

4 This gets nasty… The campaign of 1800 is notable for a few reasons.
1. America had never had the office of the President transition from 1 party to another. 2. It was known for its nasty mudslinging.

5 Some of the best lines… "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.” Thomas Jefferson on John Adams "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.“ John Adams on Thomas Jefferson

6 So it was pretty heated…
Democratic Republicans believed that Adams wanted to turn the Presidency into a Monarchy because he was power hungry Federalists believed Thomas Jefferson was a dangerous revolutionary who was too close to France and would bring chaos to America.

7 Who won? Well the title of this presentation is “Thomas Jefferson and the Election of ” So, Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams by 8 electoral votes. Only problem was, so did his running mate, Aaron Burr. Yikes. Stupid Electoral College.

8 So what happened? Well, this would have been a perfect time for Burr to say, “Hey, guys, thanks but Thomas Jefferson is President, and I’m Vice President.” Except he didn’t. So the Election of 1800 ended in a tie, which meant the House of Representatives had to vote to break the tie.

9 The vote. For about a week, the House of Representatives was deadlocked and split along party lines. Enter Alexander Hamilton!

10 Hamilton’s role Hamilton was a Federalist, and disliked both Jefferson and Burr. However, of the two, he felt that Jefferson would be the most qualified….. So, he convinces enough Federalists in the House to cast blank ballots, which ultimately gave Jefferson a majority over Burr.

11 Jefferson Wins! This also gives us the 12th Amendment to the Constitution which requires electors to cast ONE ballot for President and ONE ballot for Vice President. This is still in effect today.

12 As for Hamilton and Burr……

13 Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. In a duel
Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. In a duel. Because that’s how you settle things.

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