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Achievement Motivation

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Presentation on theme: "Achievement Motivation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievement Motivation
Extrinsic Motivation: desire to work for external rewards (money, fame, power, praise) Intrinsic Motivation: Work for internal satisfaction of a job well done People with high achievement motivation seek to master tasks, strive for excellence, take pride in their work. High achievement motivations can be extrinsic or intrinsic 1

2 How do we solve conflicts between motives?
Approach-Approach: 2 good choices Avoidance-Avoidance: 2 bad choices Approach-Avoidance: A good choice with bad consequences OR OR Elements of stress or tension between motives: Kurt Lewin, social psychology Approach-Approach: 2 good choices (Yale or Harvard) Avoidance-Avoidance: 2 bad choices (do your laundry or take out the garbage) causes much stress Approach-Avoidance: A good choice with bad consequences (you want to go to a sold out concert, but the only one with extra tickets is someone you hate) Takes a long time to decide. AND

3 Catching Kayla How does achievement motivation apply to Kayla?
Does Kayla have any conflicting motives? If so, how does she handle the conflict? What are the sources of Kayla’s motivation? Which seems to be the strongest?

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