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MUSCLES schwarzenegger

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Presentation on theme: "MUSCLES schwarzenegger"— Presentation transcript:

1 MUSCLES http://www. schwarzenegger

2 Involuntary Muscles Involuntary Muscles
Muscles that are not under your conscious control. Examples - heart, muscles used for breathing

3 Voluntary Muscles Muscles that are under your conscious control.
Examples – smiling, turning a page in a book, and standing up.

4 Skeletal Are attached to the bones of your skeleton and provide the force that moves your bones. They are Striated Striated - banded

5 Smooth Involuntary muscles such as those in your stomach that aid in digestion.

6 Cardiac Found in your heart. It is involuntary, and striated.

7 Contraction Muscle cells can only contract, not extend , so skeletal muscles must work in pairs. While one contracts the other muscle relaxes to its original length.

8 Exercise Exercise makes muscle cells grow in size. As a result, the whole muscle becomes thicker, and therefore stronger.

9 Tendons Tendons are strong connective tissue that connect muscle to bone.

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